I received a red and white Kabura(turnip) from a nearby farmer. When I asked him what kind of seedlings it was when he was planting seedlings before, he answered it was Kabura. He promised me that he would give me it when it would grow, but I have thoroughly forgot it. But now I received it. I’m grateful for him and I’m just moved for the wonderful red and white turnips. I’m wondering how to cook it now. By the way, “Kabura” is a Kansai language, which is the originator, but the standard language is “Kabu”. It’s a Kanto dialect, so to speak. A long time ago, the women of Court used to say “Okabu”, but the “O” was removed and it became “Kabu”. There are many examples of saying this, such as “Nasu(eggplant)” for “Nasubi”, “Kabocha(pumpkin) for “Nankin”, “Hasu(lotus root)” for “Renkon”, and so on.