Teppoh-yuri(Easter lilies) are in full bloom on the bank near the rice fields. It’s clearly a loudspeaker, not a teppoh(gun). The “Umbrella of Cheribourg” heard from the receiver of the smartphone that I heard must be flowing from this Teppoh-yuri. Teppoh-yuri are swinging all at once, hit by the rain of the rainy season. I was swinging my umbrella in time with Teppoh-yuri. The origin of Teppoh-yuri is from the Nansei Islands including Okinawa to southern Kyushu. Teppoh-yuri, which is now loved by people all over the world as an indispensable flower for Easter, was originally called Ryukyu lily. And before I knew it, it came to be called Teppoh-yuri. When I was investigating why Ryukyu changed to Teppo, I came across such an essay by Hideo Ishikawa, an ophthalmologist in Okinawa.