I still remember the shock of finding Sankayo flowers in Daisen, which I visit in spring, summer, autumn and winter. After the opening of the mountain in June, small translucent flowers are blooming between large butterbur-like leaves at a distance from the mountain road where the rainy season is frequent. As I get absorbed in taking pictures, it becomes more and more transparent. It’s mysterious. When I got home and checked it immediately, it was Sankayo. Sankayo is a wild grass with a plant height of 50 to 70 cm, which blooms from May to July and is distributed from north of central Honshu to Hokkaido and Sakhalin. It is a small flower of about 2 cm and is usually pure white, but it gradually becomes transparent when it is hit by rain for a long time. The life of the flower is about one week, it is vulnerable to impact, and it will not become transparent unless it is hit by rain for a long time, so it seems that it is quite difficult to see transparent flowers in good condition. It’s a quiet boom on SNS now. The principle of becoming transparent is the same as when frosted glass gets wet, it becomes transparent, and when white underwear gets wet, the skin can be seen through. By the way, it is called a skeleton flower in English.