Setsubun is just around the corner. In the mountains and fields west of the Kanto region, a flower known as Setsubun-so, also called the ‘herald of spring’ or the ‘princess of spring,’ begins to bloom. True to its name, it starts blooming around the time of Setsubun, which gives it its distinctive name. However, in the Kanto region, it seems to bloom after Setsubun has passed. Setsubun-so emerges in the dead of winter, its flowers blossom, leaves flourish, and then its above-ground parts wither, entering a dormant phase until autumn. It only shows its face above ground for about three months in a year, and its delicacy and transience make it a beloved and charming wildflower.
Setsubun-so has a height of about 10 cm, and its flowers are small, around 2 cm in size. The flowers themselves are quite unique. What appears to be white petals are actually sepals, while the petals are located inside, resembling yellow, rod-like structures that look as if they are filled with abundant nectar. Numerous stamens are found on the inside, and further inside are the pistils.
The formal scientific name for Setsubun-so is ‘Eranthis pinnatifida.’ The genus name ‘Eranthis’ has its roots in Greek, combining ‘spring (er)’ and ‘blossom (anthos),’ signifying a flower that blooms in spring. In English, it is sometimes referred to as ‘Spring Ephemeral’ or ‘Winter Aconite.’ The latter name, ‘Winter Aconite,’ includes ‘aconite,’ referring to the toxic plant monkshood, suggesting a winter monkshood.
Although Setsubun-so is native to Japan, environmental issues and overharvesting have led to a decline in its natural population. Consequently, it has been designated as a near-threatened species by the Ministry of the Environment.
節分草の正式な学名は「Eranthis pinnatifida(エランティス ピンナティフィダ)」です。属名のEranthisは、ギリシャ語の「春(er)咲く(anthos)」が語源で、春に咲く花という意味を持ちます。英名では「スプリング・エフェメラル(春のはかない命)」とか、「winter aconite(ウィンター アコナイト)」とも呼ばれたりします。「winter aconite(ウィンター アコナイト)」は、aconite=アコニチンが有毒植物のトリカブトの意味で、冬のトリカブトという意味になります。