The name Setsubunso comes from the fact that the flowers begin to bloom around Setsubun. It is a wild grass native to Japan, and it was widely seen in Honshu west of the Kanto region, especially in areas of limestone. From the cold season to early spring, it blooms small white pretty flowers with a plant height of about 10 cm. However, in recent years, it has become a near-threatened species due to its sensitivity to overfishing and changes in the environment, and is listed on the Red List of the Ministry of the Environment. Although its population is declining, there are several colonies in Japan, among which the Setsubunso colony in Soryo-cho, Shobara City, Hiroshima Prefecture is well known. Setsubunso has only one flower per plant. It’s not at eye level, but the small setsubunso that blooms at your feet looks as if it’s smiling at you. However, just like the analogy that beautiful flowers have poisonous, be careful because the setsubunsou has a deadly poison called aconitine, which is the same as Torikabuto(the monkshood).