Kinme-Dai(Splendid alfonsino) is widely distributed worldwide from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean and from the tropics of the Indian Ocean to the temperate regions. It is a completely different variety from Ma-Dai(red sea bream). It is widely distributed in the waters near Japan, but it is mainly caught along the Pacific coast from off the eastern coast of Kanto to the Ogasawara Islands and Okinawa. Among them, the ones caught from off Boso to the Izu Peninsula and around the Izu Islands are landed at Shimoda Port, which is the largest landing volume in Japan. At Shimoda Port, there are many high-quality, greasy fish in the vicinity of Oshima, and the Kinmedai caught by single fishing is branded as “Ji-Kinme” or “Toro-Kinme” and has become a high-class Kinme-Dai. The freshly landed Kinme-Dai is bright red and has big eyes and shines golden. There is a theory that if it is landed in the same color as Ma-Dai in the deep sea, it will turn red, while there is also theory that if it is red in the deep sea, this red will look black and become a protective color.