On November 26, the World Health Organization (WHO) named the new mutant strain of the new coronavirus confirmed in South Africa and other countries as the “Omicron strain”. Initially, WHO used the name of the country where the mutant strain was first confirmed, and called it “British strain” or “Indian strain”. However, from the end of May this year, WHO switched to the policy of using Greek letters because it may lead to discrimination against the country to be named. There are 24 Greek letters from α (alpha) to ω (omega). Mutant strains started from the first “British strain” (α-alpha strain) to the twelfth “Colombian strain” (μ-mu strain). This mutant strain “South Africa strain” was the 13th and was supposed to be named “ν-new strain”, but it was supposed to be named the next ξ (kusai) strain because it is confusing with the English word “new”. However, this ξ is pronounced “xi”, which is the same pronunciation as “Xi” by President Xi Jinping of China. With that in mind, WHO named it “ο-omicron strain” using the 15th Greek letter ο (omicron).