バラ見れば 思い出すのは サヘル・ローズ Looking at roses / Brings to mind of Sahel Rose / Her beautiful figure

When I look at the photos I took, this photo of a rose reminds me of something. On January 6th of this year, NHK BS aired a documentary program titled “Saudi Arabia, One Thousand and One Nights ~ Sahel Rose~”,  which introduces that the Kingdom of Arabia, a country of desert and Islam, has opened its doors to non-Muslim tourists in recent years. Our guide is actor and talent Sahel Rose. It was my first encounter with Sahel Rose through this program, and it left a strong impression on me, prompting further research later on.
She was born as the youngest of 14 siblings in a small town near Holashahr in western Iran. At the age of four, during the Iran-Iraq War in 1989, she became separated from her family due to bombings. She grew up in an orphanage until she was seven years old, and was adopted by Flora Jasmine, a young woman from a noble family who was taking care of her there. As Sahel Rose’s birth year and name were unknown due to the bombings, she began using the birth year and name devised by Flora. Sahel Rose means “rose blooming on the beach,” a name given by her foster mother who loved roses, wishing her to possess the strength to confront difficulties on her own.
To escape the war, at the age of eight, she came to Japan with her foster mother. Sahel Rose began her entertainment career in high school, starring in the play “The Respectful Prostitute.” Her films “Northwest West” and “Cold Floor,” in which she starred, were officially selected at various international film festivals, and she even won the Best Actress Award at the Milan International Film Festival in Italy. While expanding her activities in film, stage, and acting, she also served as a goodwill ambassador for the international human rights NGO “A Home for Every Child,” and her support activities, both public and private, were recognized. In 2020, she received the Human Rights Activist Award in the United States.
Surely, Sahel Rose’s journey to Mecca, as a Muslim herself, held special significance. Her tears shed upon seeing the holy site truly touched the heart.

自分で撮った写真を見ていて、このバラの写真で思い出すことがあります。今年の1月6日にNHKのBSで、砂漠とイスラムの国アラビア王国が、近年イスラム教徒以外の観光客に門戸を開放したことを紹介するドキュメンタリー番組、『サウジアラビア千夜一夜~サヘル・ローズ メッカへの旅~」が放映されました。案内するのは俳優でタレントのサヘル・ローズです。サヘル・ローズはこの番組で初めて知りました。とても印象に残ったので、後で色々調べました。


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