Omizutori has started at Todaiji Nigatsu-do in Nara. In the Kansai region, many people think that spring has finally begun when Omizutori begins. Omizutori is the main event of Shunie, which is held from March 1st to March 14th. The official name of Shuni-e is “Jyuichimen-keka” in which we confess the various mistakes we make in our daily lives in front of the eleven-faced Kanzeon Bodhisattva, the principal image of worship at Nigatsu-do. At the same time, we also pray for the protection of the nation, the peace and stability of the world, the happiness of all people, and the bountiful harvest. It was started in 752 by Jicchu, a senior disciple of Ryoben Sojo, the founder of Todaiji Temple. Only the Buddhist memorial service has been handed down uninterruptedly to this day as a “non-regressive practice” for more than 1250 years. The climax on the 12th is the “Omizutori” event, in which perfume drawn from the Wakasai well on the grounds is offered to the principal image of Nigatsu-do.