涙して 蛍の光 歌った日

I found a firefly. The song, “Hotaru-no-Hikari (Firefly light)”, comes to my mind immediately. Speaking of “Hotaru no Hikari”, it was a staple of the graduation ceremony song, along with “Aogeba Tootoshi (Respectable Teacher)”. At the graduation ceremony of elementary school, junior high school, and high school, I was always crying, singing this song. About 30 years ago, it was when my daughter graduated from high school that I last shed tears in this song. Since then, these songs are no longer being sung at any school, and instead of that, “Day of departure”, “Fly, Birds”, “To the future/Kiroro”, “The wind is blowing/Ikimonogakari” etc., they’re the graduation songs. I sometimes hear it at “the Red and White Singing Battle” at the end of the year and the closing ceremony of high school baseball, which makes me remember nostalgicly.



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