Lady’s grass is a flower known as Christmas rose, meaning that it is a flower like a lady. As the name suggests, it begins to bloom at Christmas time, and the appearance of it blooming vigorously even in the midwinter snow is like a lady. It was surprisingly old that it was introduced to Japan, and it is said that it was in the late Edo period. Initially, it seems that it was introduced as a medicinal plant, and it was secretly enjoyed by some tea people under the names of “Yukiokoshi” and “Kanshakuyaku”. The original scientific name is “Hellebore”, and in Greek it means “you die when you eat.” In fact, the roots and stems of Christmas roses are extremely poisonous, and the juice extracted from them was applied to the tip of the arrow and used when hunting animals such as deer and foxes, and was also used in warfare. It is also a flower that is likened to “Beautiful flowers are poisonous.”