Swiss chard is similar to spinach, but it is called “Hudan-so (Constant vegetables)” in Japan because it can be harvested regardless of the season. It seems that there are various names depending on the region, such as “Nsunaba” in Okinawa, “Umaina” in Osaka and Kyoto, “Amana” in Okayama, and “Kishana” in Nagano. The leafstalk and veins are characterized by vivid colors such as red, yellow, pink, and vermilion, and because the colors are beautiful, they are cultivated as foliage plants as well as edible. In addition to being rich in β-carotene, potassium, and minerals, it is also attractive because it grows vigorously even in the hot summer months when leafy vegetables are difficult to grow. It adds a bright color to the table, so it goes well with Japanese, Western, and Chinese foods, making it a popular recipe ingredient.