When I was little, I sometimes saw Rindoh(getian flower) on the banks of nearby rice fields and ponds, but these days I can’t see them unless I go deep into the mountains. When the refreshing autumn breeze blows, the bell-shaped Rindoh that blooms a lovely purple flower left a strong impression on my childhood. Perhaps I felt the love in the figure that bloomed in a lump without flocking. It seems that there is a flower language in the West that says “I love you best when you are sad” to Rindoh, but it is a perfect flower for the reminiscent autumn.
小さい頃は近くの田んぼや溜池の土手で時々竜胆の花を見かけたものですが、最近は山深く入らなければ見かけなくなりました。爽やかな秋風の吹く頃になると釣鐘型をしたなんとも可愛らしい紫色の花を咲かせる竜胆は子供心に強く残りました。群れることなくポツンとひと塊に咲く姿に愛おしさを感じたのかもしれません。西洋には竜胆の花言に「I love you best when you are sad(悲しんでいるあなたを愛する)」と言うのがあるそうですが、物思わせる秋にはぴったりの花です。