I tried to make dried persimmons with the astringent persimmons I received. The crow arrived immediately, but he showed no interest in it at all because it’s still an astringent persimmon. If you want to eat, you may eat it.
When walking in the satoyama, dried persimmons are already hanging also at the eaves of the farmhouse. It is a sight that you usually see in November. It is said that the best time to make dried persimmons is around November, when the weather is relatively stable, when the temperature drops below 15 ° C. This year, “Kogarashi No. 1” also visited at a record-breaking speed. The summer was extremely hot and the persimmons grew fast, and the cold came early, so it may have been the best year to make dried persimmons. Dried persimmons are made from astringent persimmons, but since the astringency disappears in two weeks, it should be dried for at least two weeks to one and a half months. If you like juicy dried persimmons like Anpo-gaki, dry them short, and if you like dried and hard dried persimmons, dry them long. If you soak it in shochu (Japanese liquors distilled from sweet potatoes, wheat, etc.) when you dry it, and then spray it with a spray bottle from time to time while it is drying, you can prevent mold and prevent black stacking.
里山を歩いていると農家の軒先にももう干し柿が吊るしてあります。例年なら11月に入って見かける光景です。干し柿を作る最適な時期は、比較的天気が安定している11月ごろで、気温が15℃以下になる頃だと言われています。今年は「木枯らし1号」も記録破りの速さで訪れました。夏は猛暑続きで柿の成長も早かったし、寒さの訪れも早かったので、干し柿を作るには最適な年になったのかもしれません。干し柿は渋柿から作りますが、2週間で渋が抜けるので最低2週間~1ヶ月半くらい干します。あんぽ柿のようなジューシーな干し柿が好きな方は短く、乾燥して固めの干し柿がお好みの方は長く干します。 干す際に一旦焼酎に漬け、干している最中に時々霧吹きで焼酎を吹き付けるとカビも防げ、クロ積みもふせげます。