暑い夏 一緒に越そうねと 百日草

The state of Hyakunichi-so has changed completely now. It is a flower that was always offered to Buddhist Buddha in the Obon time, and nowadays it is called Zinnia, and there are many dwarf varieties suitable for flower beds and containers, which makes it a very popular gardening material. The Zinnia in the photo was taken in a nearby park, and it is called Zinnia Profision, a gardening species created by “Sakata Seeds Co.” by crossing Zinnia elegans and Zinnia linealis. The flowering period is long as the name “hyakunich(hundred days)”, and it continues to bloom one after another throughout the summer.


崑崙花 思いは飛んで タクラマカン

Kunlunka is a flower that makes us feel romantic just by listening to its name. At the border between the Taklimakan Desert in the Uighur Autonomous Region and the Tibetan Autonomous Region, in the western part of China, there is the Kunlun Mountains, which is 3,000km east-west and has more than 200 mountains over 6,000m high. From ancient times, in China, it has been said that there is “Kunlun Mountain” in the far west, where water containing immortal components flows and the hermit lives. Kunlunka with dark green leaves, pure white calyx and star-studded yellow flowers certainly reminds us of “Kunlun Mountain”.


木陰にと くぐって見惚れる センダンの花

The rice field is already covered with a young leaf color. As I walk along the ridge between rice fields, the sun shine during the rainy season is hard and makes me sweat. There is a tree standing in front of me, and it has flowers that are sober. I rushed into its shade. Looking closely at the flowers, I can see that it is a tree of Sendan. It’s a very lovely flower though it doesn’t stand out in the distance. I can understand well that Sei Shonagon loved this flower very much and that a tanka about Sendan was composed in the Manyoshu. By the way, “Sendan” means sandalwood in Chinese, and “Sendan” in the Japanese idiom “Sendan gives off a good scent from the time of young leaves” is sandalwood.


白檀の 咲く石垣に 家は無く

Byakudan is a very common “string cactus”, and if you cut it vaguely and insert it in the soil, it will increase as much as you want. However, it is not easy to make flowers bloom. Even if you grow up with tender care, it does not bloom, but rather if it is completely dried by being exposed to the cold wind and even if it wilts out, you will leave it, it will bloom so beautiful now. This Byakudan has blossomed on a splendid stone wall without the master because none take care of it.


蛸ネタに 粋な計らい ハンゲショウ

On a clear day during the rainy season, the white Hangesho stands out in the forest. If you look closely, you can see small, inconspicuous flowers blooming. Bees do not notice with such flowers. Therefore, the leaves turn pure white to stand out and replace the flowers, attracting bees. When pollination is completed, it returns to the original green color. This plant is also called “Hangesho” assorted with “Hangesho day” of eleventh day after the summer solstice according to the calendar. Around this time, the leaves of Hangesho turn white. On “Hangesho day”, it has always been customary to eat octopus. There used to be a chic sushi restaurant that served an octopus sushi putting Hangesho on the bottom of octopus material on the “Hangesho day”.


ランタナが 咲いて一夏 七変化

Lantana begins to bloom at about the same time as hydrangea. Hydrangea only blooms for about a month, but lantana continues to bloom until the end of autumn. It is a very vital plant and blooms many flowers even in a small sand pool in a stone wall. It is vulnerable to cold, so it will die in winter in Japan. However, it continues to breed all year round in tropical and subtropical regions such as Australia and Southeast Asia, and is therefore one of “the 100 worst invasive alien species in the world”. There are petals of various colors in one flower, and it is also called “seven changes” because it changes colors depending on the season.

ランタナはアジサイ とほぼ同じ頃に咲き始めます。アジサイ は精々一カ月位しか咲きませんが、ランタナは秋の終わり位まで咲き続けます。非常に生命力の強い植物で、石垣のちょっとした砂だまりにも沢山の花を咲かせます。寒さに弱いので、日本では冬には枯れてしまいます。しかし、オーストラリアや東南アジアなどの熱帯・亜熱帯地域では一年中繁殖を続けるので、「世界の侵略的外来種ワースト100」の一つに数えられています。一つの花の中にも様々な色の花弁があり、季節毎に色を変えるので「七変化」とも呼ばれます。

カラスウリ 今宵もレースの 夜会服

When you walk in the bush in autumn, you may find a bright red vertical fruit hanging on a vine. It’s Karasu-uri. However, I think few people know the flower. Karasu-uri flower appears in a fascinating appearance when the sun goes down, wearing a white lace evening dress. And in the morning the flowers wither. During the night, it emits a fragrance and invites only Suzume-ga, which has a long beak. Only Suzume-ga can ingest deep nectar. In this way, she continue to wait for Suzume-ga every night for four days, pollinate and wait for autumn fruit.


出会えたね 今年もユリの 三姉妹

When I dropped there by hoping that the three lily sisters would be blooming, they are in full bloom this year as expected. It will be many years since I first met them. I don’t know anyone planted them, but these three sisters are planted just a little further from the usual walking path. At first, the number of flowers was one or two, but now I have many flowers. Lilies grow more and more flowers as they get older. From the number, I wonder if it’s been four or five years since I met them. I am very happy today to make sure that each other is doing well.


梅雨の日も お大師様に 生身供(しょうじんぐ)

It is believed that Kobo Daishi Kukai still lives in the Koyasan, and continues to meditate in the hope of world peace and the well-being of the people. And many worshipers come from not only in Japan but also abroad to the mausoleum of Koyasan Okunoin. The event that meals are delivered twice a day to a master who still continues to meditate is called “Shoujingu”. During also the rainy season, two priests who are led by the Yuina monk are carrying the morning meal to the Master. For 1200 years, it’s always a morning event, which may not be visible, but Kobo Daishi Kukai is certainly there.


森深く 人懐かし気に 山の百合

Yamayuri can be easily understood even from a distance. This is because it is the largest, gorgeous, and highly odorous flower in Japan. For some reason, I think of Yamato Takeru when I see this flower. Yamayuri has been inhabiting all over Japan for such a long time. It must have left a strong impression on the eyes of foreigners who came to Japan. It was introduced to foreign countries early on, and hybrid species such as Casablanca were also born. Yamayuri, Tamotoyuri and Kanokoyuri were the parents. Tamotoyuri have already become extinct due to overfishing. Many other native lilies, including Yamayuri, have the same fate.
