Today is the first “midsummer day” of this year. Recently I avoid people and take a walk at noon. When passing through the shade of the tree, I can see the flock of flowers in bloom. What caught my eye was the five Hirugaos where were together in bloom. Although they have a pale pink color, they are whitish overall and inconspicuous from a distance. Whenever looking at Hirugao, I always remember Catherine Deneuve’s “Belle de Jour,” It’s a movie that has nothing to do with innocent flowers, but I remember it for some reason. The original title “Belle de Jour,” translates literally into “Daytime Beauty”. Hirugao flower is a girl, but isn’t a beauty.
今年初めての真夏日。最近は人を避けてお昼時に散歩します。木陰を抜けると昼顔が一群れになって花を咲かせています。目に止まったのは五輪が寄り添うように咲いている昼顔。淡いピンク色をしていますが、全体的には白っぽく、遠くからは目立ちません。昼顔をみれば必ず連想するのは、カトリーヌ・ドヌーブの『昼顔』。清廉無垢な花とは何の関連もない内容の映画ですが、なぜか覚えています。原題は”Belle de Jour”、直訳すると「昼間の美女」。昼顔は美女でなく、少女です。