“The Last Rose of Summer”, written by Irish national poet Thomas Moore and composed by John Stevenson, has been sung all over the world, and Beethoven and other world-famous composers also incorporated it into the song. Mendelssohn composed the piano fantasy “The Last Rose of Summer” with the quite same name. Even in Japan, the rose was changed to a chrysanthemum and then to “Chigusa in the garden”, and it became an elementary school song, which was popular with many people.
This is the beginning of the original poem.
“Tis the last rose of Summer, Left blooming alone; All her lovely companions Are faded and gone; No flower of her kindred, No rosebud is nigh, To reflect back her blushes, Or give sigh for sigh! “
「夏の名残のバラ 一人寂しく咲いている 愛しき仲間たちはみな枯れ果てた 赤いバラ色を照らし返す 近しき花も芽も消え失せた ただため息をつくばかり」—原詩の出だしです。