Kyoto Takigi Noh, which is held on June 1st every year at Heian Jingu, Kyoto, which is a feature of early summer, has been canceled this year as well. The Noh stage with the Daigokuden(Council Hall in the Imperial Palace) of Heian Jingu in the background emerges in the dark night, and the fantastic atmosphere surrounds the area. They invite us to such a mysterious world that transcends time and space. Speaking of June 1st, the rainy season is a concern. Normally, this day was still before the rainy season, and I prayed that it wouldn’t rain, but even if it did, the venue was moved and the event has been held continuously since 1950 (Showa 25). Today is a perfect day for the event, but it was canceled following last year. What is the significance of the forced holding of only the problematic Olympics?
初夏の風物詩、京都平安神宮で毎年6月1日に開催される京都薪能が今年も中止になりました。平安神宮の大極殿を背景にした能舞台が闇夜に浮 かび上がり、幻想的な雰囲気が辺りを包む中、観世・金剛・大蔵の各流派による能や狂言は、時空を越えた幽玄の世界に私達をいざないます。6月1日と言えば気になるのは梅雨。例年ならこの日はまだ梅雨入り前で、雨が降らないことを祈りましたが、降っても会場を移しての開催と、1950年(昭和25年)以来連綿と開催され続けてきました。今日は絶好の開催日和なのに昨年に続き中止。何かと問題多いオリンピックだけが強行開催される意義は一体どこにあるのでしょうか。