The last few days have been a series of blue sky that makes us forget the rainy season. The mountain stream, which was muddy stream about a week ago, is now like a lie. Yamaajisai(the mountain hydrangea), which has begun to bloom, and the leaves of Fuki(butterbur) that stick out on the road are swaying in the cool breeze in response to the sunlight through the forest. The green of the moss clinging to the rock is even more vivid. Occasionally, Iwatsubame(the house martin) flys through out at a tremendous speed with a sharp voice “chi chi”. Along the path, I came across Tokiwatsuyukusa( Wandering jew) with white-leaf spiderwort, which is many times larger than a normal Tsuyukusa. Tokiwatsuyukusa is an exotic species that was introduced as a horticultural species, but it has a strong vitality and is now widely found in the maountains and the fields. I finally arrived at the Sasayuri colony I was looking for. Sasayuri, like Otomeyuri, is a representative lily native to Japan, and its beauty is now widely known not only in Japan but also in the world.