The origin of Surfinia is Pampa, Brazil. Suntory’s expatriates brought back several petunia species, which was the beginning of breeding and made its debut in 1989. It is a gorgeous blooming variety that was not found in conventional petunias, and it is supported by a wide range of people because of its ease of growing and the beauty of its colors, and it is also known as the “igniter of the gardening boom” in Japan. It is a flower that has been loved for a long time not only in Japan but also in Europe and the United States, which is the home of gardening. The name of Surfinia is a combination of the English words Surfing and Petunia. Surfinia is even said to be the darling of the Japanese horticultural industry, which has changed the way it breeds and the flow of the distribution industry. By the way, “Safinia” is also a registered trademark of Suntory Flowers.