The flower language of Haku-Mokuren (Yulan magnolia) is “noble heart,” “majestic,” “noble,” and “sublime.” Mokuren (Magnolia) usually refers to Shi-Mokuren (Purple magnolia), both of which mean lotus that blooms on trees. In addition, there are also names such as Mokuran and Gyokuran, which means orchids that bloom on trees. The English name of is Haku-Mokuren, Tulip white magnolia, Lily white magnolia, etc., and it is also called Compass magnolia because the tip of the flower always faces north. As you can see, Haku-Mokuren is a flower that is attracting a lot of attention worldwide. The major feature of Haku-Mokuren is that it blooms from March to April, and blooms in a state where it does not fully open. When the flowers bloom, they give off a nice scent, and the appearance of many flowers blooming all over the tree looks like a lot of small white birds.
白木蓮(ハクモクレン)の花言葉は「高潔な心」、「荘厳」、「気高さ」、「崇高」です。木蓮といえば普通紫木蓮をさし、どちらも木に咲く蓮という意味です。そのほか、木に咲く蘭という意味で、木蘭とか玉蘭という呼び名もあります。白木蓮の英名では、Mulan white magnolia、Tulip white magnolia、Lily white magnoliaなどがあり、花の先端が必ず北を向くことからCompass magnolia という呼び名もあります。この様に白木蓮は世界的にもとても注目されている花です。白木蓮の花は3月から4月にかけて、全開で開花はせずに、開き切らないままの状態で咲くのが大きな特徴です。花が開花すると良い香り放ち、木全体にたくさん花が咲いた様子は、白い小鳥がたくさんとまっている様に見えます。