Personally, the best way to eat shirasu is to dip it in a seasoning such as vinegar and soy sauce and eat it as it is. However, it is also a good idea to sprinkle “shirasu-dried”, which is a semi-dried salted boiled product, on top of rice, or to mix it with grated radish and season it with soy sauce. After the ban is lifted, “Spring Shirasu” is a gem of spring gourmet food. Shirasu refers to fry such as sardines, sand lances, and eels, but the shirasu commonly found in the market tends to be fry such as sardines and anchovy. Foods rich in protein and calcium that are softly dried are called “shirasu-dried” (Kanto-dried), and those that are dried until they become firm are called “chirimen” or “chirimen-jako” (kansai-dried). is. Recently, from the viewpoint of protecting marine resources, there are many places where a fishing ban period is set every year from January to mid-March. Even so, the current situation is that the catch is steadily decreasing, and Shirasu cuisine is no longer a high-class dish.