Today is Shunbun-no-hi (the day of the spring equinox), and Higan-no-chunichi (the middle day of the equinoctial week). The representative flower of the autumn equinoctial week is “Higanbana (cluster amaryllis)”, but what is the representative flower of the spring equinoctial week? There are various opinions, but it seems to be “Kinsenka (Calendula officinalis)”. This ” Shunbun-no-hi” was originally renamed from the “Spring Emperor’s Festival” that was in the old law. Spring Emperor’s Festival is one of the rituals of the Imperial Palace that is still held today, and is a grand festival of the Emperor’s family held twice a year on the spring and the autumn. Astronomically, it is the day when the south-middle altitude (the height of the sun at noon) is 90 degrees on the equator, that is, just above the head, and it is about 55 degrees in Japan. It is often referred to as “a day when the lengths of day and night are equal”, but in reality it seems that day is a little longer. In this way, like the Emperor’s event, the movement of the sun has been precisely observed and of interest since ancient times. Many Japanese holidays used to be fixed, but now they move from year to year to increase consecutive holidays. However, the spring equinox day and autumnal equinox day have changed from ancient times to years.