ランタナも さすがに萎む この暑さ

Lantana, which was rarely seen until a decade ago, is now ubiquitous.  This is also the effect of climate change.  Lantana is a flower native to the tropics and was distributed only in warm regions such as the Ogasawara Islands in Japan.  Lantana is called the Japanese name “Shichi-henge (Seven Changes)”, and while it is in bloom, the flower color changes like a gradation. There are a wide variety of flower colors such as red, orange, pink, white, yellow, and purple.  Even with the hot summer sun, the lovely flowers bloom one after another for a long period from early summer to early autumn.  At one time, it was a very popular flower as a cultivar.  However, Lantana has been selected as one of the 100 worst invasive alien species in the world, and it is one of the most troublesome plants in Japan until 2015, as it was named in the list of “List of alien organisms requiring attention” by the Ministry of the Environment.  However, after that, it was left unattended because it is not as seriously invading as the tropics, and because the climate is becoming tropical year by year, it is now rooted everywhere, such as rooting in small gaps in stone walls and blocks.  It has spread to the extent that it can bloom.


花菖蒲 これから出番も 拍子抜け

On June 28, the Japan Meteorological Agency announced that “the Kinki region seems to have finished the rainy season.”  The rainy season ended 21 days earlier than normal and 19 days earlier than last year, breaking the record for the earliest rainy season (around July 3, 1978), making it the earliest rainy season since the start of statistics.  The rainy season lasted 14 days in the Kinki region, breaking the shortest record (17 days in 1958) and making it the shortest rainy season ever.  Now is the period of “Ayame Hanasaku”, the central period of “Summer Solstice”.  In the lunar calendar, one year is divided into 24 solar terms, which are divided into 24 equal parts from the beginning of spring (around 2/4) to the weather of great cold (around 1/20), besides each of them is divided into 3 equal parts, and after all, ono year is divided into 72 teams. The “summer solstice” is the period from June 21st to July 7th, and the second period of it is called the “iris flower”.  Next to the “summer solstice” is the “small heat”, which means that summer begins around this time.  However, the rainy season is over and it is beyond small heat.  What will happen in July and August from now on?


紫陽花も 環境次第で 美人顔

The Izumi Mountains are located in the southernmost part of the mountains surrounding the Osaka Plain.  It borders Wakayama prefecture and is located on the north side of the Median Tectonic Line (the world’s first major fault that crosses southwestern Japan from eastern Kyushu to Kanto) that passes through the Kinokawa River.  There are four Mt. Katsuragi in this mountain range, from the east to Mt. Yamato Katsuragi (959m), Mt. Izumi Katsuragi (858m), Mt. Minamikatsuragi (922m), and Mt. Nakakatsuragi (937m).  All of them are mountains named after Katsuragi, a great tribe who ruled this region in ancient times.  There is a village of Sobura at the northern foot of Mt. Izumi Katsuragi.  Now it’s easy to reach by car, but until a long time ago, this was a remote mountainous area that I couldn’t think of as Osaka.  There is Mizumadera Kannon nearby, and it is now a resort area with hot springs and various facilities.  There is a mountain cottage-style restaurant in the deepest part.  The clear stream flowing from Mt. Minamikatsuragi and the hydrangea grown in the clear air were different.


ただ一輪 オオハルシャギク 凛として

Do you know Oo-harusha-giku?  I didn’t know. It’s Japanese name for cosmos.  The origin of cosmos is the plateau of Mexico, which grows naturally in the highlands at an altitude of 1,600-2,800m.  It was sent to a botanical garden in Madrid, Spain at the end of the 18th century, and eventually spread to Europe, and it is said that it came to Japan around the 20th year of the Meiji era.  The name Cosmos comes from the scientific name Cosmos bipinnatus, and the Japanese name of Oo-harusha-giku was not well known from the beginning.  Rather, it is better known to write “秋桜 (autumn cherry)”, and Momoe Yamaguchi sang and “秋桜” became widely known. “harusha” refers to Persia.  At the time when cosmos was introduced to Japan, the imported goods probably had a Persian image.  It was named Oo-harusha-giku because it was a large chrysanthemum from foreign countries.  By the way, the etymology of “cosmos” comes from the Greek word “Kosmos, Cosmos” which means “order”, “decoration” and “beautiful”.

オオハルシャギク(大春車菊)、ご存知ですか。知りませんでした。コスモスの和名です。コスモスの原産地はメキシコの高原地帯で、標高1,600 – 2,800mの高地に自生しているそうです。18世紀末にスペインのマドリードにあった植物園に送られ、やがてヨーロッパに広がり、日本には明治20年頃に渡来したと言われています。コスモスという呼び名は学名のCosmos bipinnatusからきていて、当初からオオハルシャギクの和名はあまり知られていませんでした。むしろ「秋桜」と表記するほうがよく知られていて、山口百恵が歌って「秋桜」は広く知られるようになりました。ハルシャはペルシャを指します。コスモスが日本に伝わった当時は舶来品はペルシャのもの的なイメージがあったのでしょう。舶来の大きな菊ということでオオハルシャギク(大春車菊)と名付けられたのです。ちなみに”コスモス(cosmos)”の語源は、 ギリシャ語の 「秩序」「飾り」「美しい」 という意味の 「Kosmos, Cosmos」の言葉に 由来します。

気にかけず しかし目につく ツユクサよ

It is not as interesting as hydrangeas (Ajisai) and roses (Bara), but at this time of year, Commelina communis (Tsuyukusa) can be found everywhere, such as in the corners of fields, wetlands, roadsides, and the edges of streams.  However, I think that it is becoming less common these days.  There is a mountain called Konoyama, which is less than 300m in length, facing the outer ring road in Kishiwada City, Osaka.  Just by looking at the name, you can see that it is a mountain with a long history.  I often climb this mountain for a walk, but at this time of the rainy season, as shown in the photo, the native species of Commelina communis, which has existed since the Manyo era, and the Commelina communis, which seems to be an exotic species, are mixed and blooming.  The exotic species have large petals, the white one is the small-leaf spiderwort, and the purple one is the purple spiderwort.  Both exotic species have been introduced to Japan as ornamental plants since the Edo period, but many are now wild.


人恋し 水蓮池の アオサギや

Water lotus is in bloom in a corner of the lotus pond in the park.  A gray heron came flying with a loud noise and stood in the pond.  She just shake her head from side to side and stand still.  After a while, a nearby person threw bread crumbs at the heron.  She ate two or three slices, but the rest is still floating in the pond.  When I was wondering, a crucian carp-like fish emerged to eat the piece of bread.  At that moment, the gray heron, which had been standing firm like a rock until now, suddenly caught the crucian carp.  At the same time as I was surprised at the quickness of the movement, I was deeply moved by the contemplation of the gray heron.  Gray herons are very friendly and have a habit of mainly foraging fish in shallow paddy fields and shallow rivers.  In addition to fish, they also eati it insects such as grasshoppers and dragonflies, crustaceans such as shrimp and crabs, and amphibians such as frogs and snakes.  Sometimes they eat “sparrows”.  Bread is not a staple food.  For herons, bread was the food for foraging crucian carps.

公園の蓮池の一角に水蓮が咲いています。大きな羽音とともにアオサギが飛んできてすくっと池に立ちました。首だけを左右に振ってじっと立っています。しばらくすると、近くの人がパン屑をアオサギに投げました。二切れ三切れ食べましたが、あとは池に浮かんだままです。不思議に思って見ていると、鮒らしき魚がそのパン切れを食べに浮上してきました。その瞬間、今まで微動だにしなかったアオサギがパッとその鮒を咥えたのです。その動作の素早さにびっくりすると同時に、アオサギの遠謀深慮に痛く感動したわけです。アオサギはとても人なつこく、水深の浅い水田や川の浅瀬などで、主に魚を採餌する習性があります。 魚以外にも「バッタ」「トンボ」などの昆虫や「エビ」「カニ」などの甲殻類、「カエル」「ヘビ」などの両生類も食べます。 時には「スズメ」を食べることもあります。パンは主食ではありません。アオサギにとってパンは鮒を採餌する為の餌であったわけです。

背伸びして ヤマモモ取れば へそ涼し

I went to a nearby park in the sunny day between the rainy season.  As I climb the circuit, I found see bayberry trees lined up.  As expected, the fruits grow in clusters.  A lot of bayberry fruits have fallen under the tree.  I took a few branches with a trekking pole, took two or three fruits, and when I put them in my mouth, the sour sweetness spread in my mouth.  There are still many fruits on the upper side.  I packed it in the plastic bag I brought and took it home.  If you soak it in liqueur with rock candy, you can make sweet bayberry liquor and you can also make jam.  I used to see it normally in supermarkets, but in recent years it has disappeared.


山路来て ほっとくつろぐ 山紫陽花

As I walk along the mountain road along the mountain stream, Ajisai (hydrangeas) are blooming here and there.  It is small and mostly Gaku-Ajisai.  This is the original species of Ajisai that we see today.  Just as the golden-rayed lily native to Japan was brought back to Europe and the Oriental lily was born, the German doctor Siebold and others brought back spherical Ajisai to the Netherlands, and the varieties were improved. It’s “Western Ajisai”.  It was reimported to Japan and immediately spread as “Hon-Ajisai”.  The spherical Gaku-Ajisai brought back by Siebold is considered to be the original species of Hon-Ajisai, but the wild species that is the original species has not yet been found.  Siebold probably got the original species of spherical Gaku-Ajisai raised by a person of taste of the Edo period and brought it back to Europe. In that way, the high level of Japanese culture at the end of the Edo period can be seen even with one flower breeding.


バラの輪に しっとり収まる 今日の富士

Yesterday (6/21) is the summer solstice, the day when the daytime is the longest in the year.  The summer solstice is around 22 days every year and the days are not fixed.  The sunrise time on the summer solstice is 3:54 in Sapporo, Hokkaido, 4:24 in Tokyo, 4:44 in Osaka, 5:08 in Fukuoka, and 5:36 in Naha, Okinawa, so the difference between Hokkaido and Okinawa is about 2 hours.   The longest daylight hours in a year are the summer solstice, which averages about 14 hours and 50 minutes nationwide.  And which of Sapporo and Okinawa has the longer daylight hours is Sapporo.  The daylight hours on the summer solstice are 15 hours and 23 minutes in Sapporo and 13 hours and 48 minutes in Okinawa, so Sapporo is about an hour and a half longer.  I think there are many people who think that Okinawa is longer.  The daylight hours are determined by the longitude.  By the way, the sunshine hours on the winter solstice are about 9 hours and 45 minutes, so the length of the day is 5 hours different between the summer solstice and the winter solstice.


ふんわりと 心もゆるむ スモークツリー

During the rainy season, a smoke tree with fluffy ears wrapping around the entire tree sways softly at the entrance of the park.  Smoke tree is a tree with a name that imagines smoke regardless of the country, such as the English name “smoke tree” and the Japanese name “kemuri-no-ki”.  It is distributed over a wide area from Southern Europe to the Himalayas and China, and the tree height is about 3 to 5 m.  From early summer to midsummer, female trees bear about 20 cm long spikes.  After the flowers have bloomed, the remaining shaft part becomes like feathers, and it is characterized by the appearance of smoke rising.  It is dioecious, and the shaft part (floral pattern) of the female tree grows long, giving it a fluffy feel and appearance like feathers.  The peduncle of the female tree is smaller than that of the male tree, so the smoke does not appear to be smoldering.  The flower language of the smoke tree is “wrap in smoke,” “wise,” “lively home,” and “transient youth.”  You don’t need to “wrap in smoke”.

梅雨の晴れ間、公園の入口に綿毛のような穂が木全体を包み込むスモークツリーがふんわりと揺れています。スモークツリーは、英名を「smoke tree」、和名を「煙の木」と言うように、国を問わず煙をイメージしている名称がついている樹木です。南ヨーロッパからヒマラヤ、中国と広い範囲に分布し、樹高は3~5mほどです。初夏から真夏にかけて、雌の木は長さ20cmほどの花穂をつけます。花を咲かせた後、残った軸の部分が羽毛のようになり、煙が立ち上っているような姿になるのが特徴です。雌雄異株で、雌木の軸の部分(花柄)が長く伸びて、羽毛のようなふわふわとした触感と見た目になります。雌木の花柄は雄木に比べて小さいので、煙がくすぶっているようには見えません。スモークツリーの花言葉は「煙に巻く」「賢明」「賑やかな家庭」「儚い青春」です。「煙に巻く」は不要ですね。