Kujaku-saboten (Splendit epiphyllum) was in bloom in front of the house along the promenade. At first glance, it looks like an orchid, but the epiphyllum is a well-established cactus companion. There is Gekka-bijin (a Queen of the Night) in the same group, but the original species of both Kujaku-saboten and Gekka-bijin bloom from evening to night. Recently, mating has progressed, and it seems that the number of Kujaku-saboten that bloom in the daytime is increasing. The flowering season of Kujaku-saboten is from May to June, and the flower colors are various such as white, red, pink, orange, and yellow. Some varieties continue to bloom during the day, and some long ones bloom for about a week. On the other hand, the flowering season of Gelka-bijin is from July to November, but instead of blooming continuously, it blooms two to three times every three to four weeks from July. It blooms from evening to night and deflate in the morning.
散歩道沿いのお家の前に立派なクジャクサボテンが咲いていました。一見ランの様に見えますが、クジャクサボテンはれっきとしたサボテンの仲間です。同じ仲間に月下美人がありますが、クジャクサボテンも月下美人も原種は夕方から夜開花します。最近は交配が進み、クジャクサボテンは昼に開花するものも増えているようです。クジャクサボテの花期は5月から6月で、花色は白色・赤・ピンク色・オレンジ色・黄色など多彩で、日中も咲き続け、長いものは一週間程度咲く品種もあります 。一方、月下美人の花期は7月~11月ですが、連続的に開花するのではなく7月から3週間~4週間にぐらいに2回から3回ぐらいまとまって開花します。夕方から夜に開花し、朝にはしぼんでしまいます。