頬ゆるむ 幾つになっても さくらんぼ

When I was looking for a photo, I found a photo of cherries.  As soon as I saw it, I broke into a smile.  Was there such a cherry when I was a kid?  Of course there would have been, and it would have been lined up at the store.  At that time, cherries were out of my reach, so they probably didn’t even notice.  I immediately arranged to send it to my grandchildren.  There are many pre-order advertisements on the net.  Cherry was introduced to Japan from the United States and France in the early Meiji era.  Cultivation seems to have started around this time in Yamagata Prefecture.  Now, the production of cherries in Yamagata Prefecture is the highest in Japan, accounting for about 75% of the total production in Japan. Yamagata Prefecture has a climate that is suitable for growing cherries, as it is hot in the summer, there is little rain even during the rainy season, and the wind is not strong.  Therefore, it is said that many cherries habe been cultivated in Yamagata prefecture. There are two types of cultivation methods for cherries: “greenhouse cultivation” and “outdoor cultivation”.  The cherries that are sold from mid-April to mid-June are “greenhouse cultivation”, and the cherries that are sold after the end of June are “outdoor cultivation”.  The famous “Sato Nishiki” cultivated on the open field cultivation is said to be a precious cherry that can only be harvested for a very short period from mid-June to early July.


目が眩む ほどの赤さの バラの花

A bright red rose was in bloom under the slide in the park.  The redness I had never seen made me feel dazzled for a moment.  When I took a picture with my smartphone and searched with Google Lens, it says “Kimjongilia”.  Kim Jong Il is the father of Kim Jong Un.  This flower is said to be a famous flower of the world presented by a Japanese botanist.  However, this “Kimjongilia” is a new species of the Begoniaceae family.  However, the leaves are obviously rose leaves, so if I look closely, it is a rose called “Andalusian” created by a German breeder in 1976, and it is a famous flower that won the prestigious “ADR Award” in the world. I understand. It is a rose that is still known only to some lovers in Japan, but it is surprising that it was planted in such a place.

公園の滑り台の下に真っ赤なバラが咲いていました。見たこともないような赤さで、一瞬目が眩むような感じがしました。早速スマホで撮ってGoogle レンズで検索したら、「金正日花」とあります。金正日といえば、今の金正恩のお父さんです。なんでも、日本の植物学者が献上した世界の名花だそうです。しかし、この「金正日花」はベゴニア科の新種とのこと。しかし、葉が明らかにバラの葉ですので、よく調べたら、1976年にドイツの育種家が創出した「アンダルシアン」というバラで、世界でも権威ある「ADR賞」を受賞した名花だていうことがわかりました。日本でもまだ一部の好事家にしか知られていないバラですが、よくこんな所に植えられていたものですね。

紫陽花や 陽光分けて 虹の色

It’s the season when Ajisai (hydrangeas) bloom.  Ajisai is the protagonist of flowers during the rainy season.  Its country of origin is Japan.  Currently, there are more than 50 diverse varieties, and Ajisai can be broadly classified into two types, “Gaku Ajisai” and “Hydrangea”.  Of the two species, the most commonly seen Ajisai today is the Western species, Hydrangea.  “Hydrangea” was bred in the West from “Gaku Ajisai”, which was endemic to Japan, and was reimported to Japan in the Taisho era.  What looks like a Ajisai flower is a calyx, and the real one is just a small part in the center.  The hydrangea of ​​the cultivar “Magical Coral Lionni”, which has been attracting attention recently, has a bright green color at the beginning of blooming, a pink color as it blooms, and a stronger green color. There is a great variety. The Ajisai flower language depends on the color of the flower, but it does not apply to this “magical coral lionni”, isn’t it?

紫陽花の咲く季節になりました。梅雨の時期の花の主役といえば紫陽花です。その原産国は日本です。現在50以上の多様な品種があり、紫陽花は大きく分類すると「ガクアジサイ」と「ハイドランジア」の2種類に分類することができます。2種類のうち、現在一般的に見られるあじさいは西洋種である「ハイドランジア」です。「ハイドランジア」は、日本固有種であった「ガクアジサイ」を西洋で品種改良し、大正時代に日本に逆輸入されました。紫陽花の花の様に見えるのは萼(がく)で、本当のはなは中心にあるほんの小さな部分です。最近注目されている 写真の「マジカルコーラル レオーニ」という品種の紫陽花は、この萼が、咲き始めは明るい緑色、咲き進むとピンク色が入り、さらに緑が強くなり、しかも色が混じり合う変幻自在の品種です。あじさいの花言葉には、花の色によって異なりますが、この 「マジカルコーラル レオーニ」には当てはまりませんね。

窓際の すず風も良し 花菖蒲

How are you doing in the early summer?

I put the irises I received from you by the window.  The slightly opened window curtain gently sways, creating a pleasant cool breeze. The irises also look comfortable. It is the best season before the rainy season.  The early summer sun is shining brightly outside, but the room temperature is around 25 degrees Celsius.  I don’t have to worry about air conditioning, and the fan I use occasionally is enough.  I hope that this kind of season will continue forever, but on the other hand, I’m still looking forward to that scorching summer.  Japan is a beautiful country where the changes of the four seasons stand out.  I feel the happiness of being born in Japan.

Let’s get over the coming summer together.




明け六つに クチナシ辿る 疏水道

The narrow road leading to the nearby temple is cobblestone. A water channel is flowing beside it.  Kuchinashi (Gardenia) is planted there.  Many pure white flowers bloomed between the dark green leaves.  There is a faint scent similar to jasmine around. Just then, the sound of the bell telling the sixth hour of the morning can be heard as if they were rippling.  Every time, the white flowers of Kuchinashi shine.  Beyond the bell tower, which has become a silhouette due to backlight, the already high sun radiates rainbow-colored light like the halo of the bell tower.  The whiteness of the transparent flowers of Kuchinashi feels even more dazzling.


色合いに 歴史を刻んだ バラの花

Now (6/2 〜 6/5) in the UK, the “Platinum Jubilee” event to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth (96)’s coronation is being held in various parts of the UK and elsewhere.  The rose in the photo is a variety that was entered into the “Rose Hall of Fame” at the Pretoria Convention of the 4th World Federation of Rose Societies in 1979.  Named “Queen Her Elizabeth” and dedicated to Queen Elizabeth (Elizabeth II).  The British royal family and roses have an inseparable relationship, as represented by the “Wars of the Roses”.  However, roses have an much older history, and according to one theory, they are said to have originated from about 70 million years ago to about 35 million years ago.  70 million years ago, it was just before the extinction of dinosaurs in the latter half of the Cretaceous, and even 35 million years ago, humans did not exist yet, so it has existed for a long time.  The history of Japanese roses is also old, and it is said that there are more than 19,000 kinds of roses in the world, including about 250 kinds of original species, but if you follow its roots, you will end up with eight native species from Asia to Japan. Three species of them are Noibara, Terihanoibara, and Hamanasu, which are native to Japan. As you can see, there are many topics that cannot be fully talked about even also  just about roses.

今(6/2-6/5) 英国では、エリザベス女王(96)の即位70周年を祝う行事「プラチナ・ジュビリー」が、英国など各地で行われています。写真のバラは、1979年、第4回世界バラ会連合世界大会のプレトリア大会で、「バラの殿堂」入りした品種です。「クイーン エリザベス」と名付けられ、エリザベス女王(エリザベス2世)に捧げられました。英国王室とバラとは、「薔薇戦争」に代表されるように、切っても切れない関係があります。しかし、バラにはもっともっと古い歴史があり、その起源は一説によると今から約7,000万年前~約3500万年前とも言われています。7000万年前というと白亜紀後半の恐竜が絶滅するちょっと前ですし、3500万年前でもまだヒトが存在していない頃ですから、遥か昔から存在していたわけですね。日本のバラの歴史も古く、現在、世界には約250種の原種を含め19,000種以上の薔薇があるとされていますが、そのルーツを辿っていくと、アジアから日本にかけての自生種8種類に行きついてしまうそうです。その内の3種類が日本原産のノイバラ、テリハノイバラ、ハマナスです。この様に、バラに関してだけでも語り切れない話題があるんですね。

陽は燦々 梅雨の来ぬ間に 花咲かせ

One of my friends was “栗花落 (Tsuyu)”.  The kanji is 3 characters, but the name is “Tsuyu”.  Actually, this surname is old, and it is known that Mr.栗花落 was the lord of Harano Village (Kita Ward, Kobe City) in Yatabe District, Settsu Province during the Warring States period.  Even now, there are people who give their surnames in Kobe City and Shodo-island in the Seto Inland Sea.  This “栗花落” spread among young people by chance.  The name of the female character that appears in the anime “Immortal Blade” is “栗花落 カナヲ (Tsuyuri  Kanawo)”.  Her surname is “栗花落 (Tsuyuri)”.  She is a very popular character.  There are two ways to call “栗花落”, “Tsuyu” is the name of the head family, and “Tsuyuri” is the name of the other family.  Chestnut flowers bloom from late May to June, and “chestnut flowers” is also Kigo (a seasonal word) for this time in Haiku.  This flower falls from the middle to the end of June, and the rainy season begins just around this time, so it seems that “栗花落” was originally read as “tsuyuiri”.  And the reading of “tsuyuiri” became shorter, and now it is read as “tsuyuri”.


浄瑠璃の 後にご褒美 食べた枇杷

When I was in elementary school, my granduncle was a joururi master (Tomoharu Tsuruzawa), so I often went to Awaji Island with my granduncle.  At the time of the rainy season, Biwa (loquat) always came out when the disciple’s practice was over.  I’m really looking forward to eating Biwa soaked in the cold water of the mountain stream with my disciples, and I remember eating many.  The practice space was the farmhouse where my aunt was married, and they was also cultivating watermelons and tomatoes in addition to loquats, so I was really looking forward to going to Awaji Island.  The sunset over the Seto Inland Sea was very beautiful, which also was a strong impression on my childhood.

小学生の時、大叔父が浄瑠璃の師匠 (鶴澤 友春)をしていた関係で、大叔父に連れられて淡路島にはよく行きました。梅雨の時分には、お弟子さんの練習が終わると必ず出たのが枇杷です。お弟子さんに混じって、谷川の冷たい水に浸けられた枇杷を食べるのがとても楽しみで、幾つも食べたことを思い出します。練習場は叔母の嫁ぎ先の農家で、枇杷の他、西瓜やトマトも栽培していたので、これも頂き、淡路島に行くのがとても楽しみでした。瀬戸内海に沈んで行く夕日がとても美しく、これも子供心に強く印象付けられました。

切なくも 勿忘草を あなたにと

Wasurenagusa (Forget-me-nots) were in bloom in the garden of the house along the walking path.  It is a romantic flower by its name.  The name comes from the tragic love story about the Donau River in Germany, which is common all over the world.  Another feature is that there are songs made from forget-me-nots all over the world.  In Japan, the female chorus group Voce Angelica first released a single in 1963, but Yoichi Sugawara sang it in the 1971 NHK Kouhaku Uta Gassen and became a big hit.  I still don’t know if the main character of this song is a woman or a man, but this may also be the reason for the big hit.  “Forgetful Grass” composed by Ernesto de Curtis, the composer of “Torna a Surriento”, famous in Canzone, Italy, is sung by successive famous tenor singers.  In addition, various singers in Japan sing various “Forget-me-nots”.


月明けて 思いは京都 薪能

Kyoto Takigi Noh is held every year with the aim of popularizing and developing Noh, and is now a feature of early summer in Kyoto.  A bonfire is lit in the dusk, and while the red-painted shrine of Heian Jingu is projected, a special Noh stage emerges in the dark night, and a fantastic atmosphere surrounds the area.  It is a gorgeous place where you can enjoy Noh and Kyogen by the Kanze, Kongo, and Okura schools. Every year, many spectators come from not only Kyoto but also from Japan and abroad, and you will be intoxicated by the mysterious world.

