風鈴に 合わせ聞こえる 子らの声

♭♯♭ 夏休み ♭♯♭

As I was drinking freshly ground coffee at a teahouse near the park, children’s voices were heard from a distance, mixed with the sound of the wind chimes.  It’s the most fun time to remember.  Wake up early in the morning to do radio calisthenics, clean the streets in the neighborhood, get a stamp stamped on the card, and go home.  Of course, there was no cooler, but it was still cool enough with the wind blowing from the windows and the open shoji screens.  Take the watermelon out of the wooden refrigerator with big ice and put it in my mouth to cool it to the core of my body.  The cicadas are screaming hot, but the wind chimes are refreshing and counteract it.  After breakfast, I will do my homework “Summer Holiday Friend” while it is cool in the morning.  It gets hot in the blink of an eye.  Then, as it was decided, my fellow friends would come and go to the nearby river.  I just go home for lunch, and the rest of the day goes by playing in the river.  In the evening, when the sun goes down, smoke from houses and baths rises from here and there.  By the time I get home, I’m really tired and I can barely take a bath.  It is a nostalgic memory.


夏雲に 合わせいや増す 蝉の声

The voice of the cicadas became even louder whio the weather like the after effects of the rainy season continues.  In the usual year, the cicadas start screaming all at once after the rainy season, but this year the rainy season ended at a record-breaking speed, so I couldn’t hear the voice of the cicadas for a while.  The life of a cicada has a very long larval period, which is several to seven years, during which time it lives in the underground.  Eventually, he became an adult and went out to the ground after seeing the rainy season open, but he lived on the ground for a week at the longest.  In the meantime, they must leave offspring.  Male cicadas cry as loud as they can to seek female cicadas.  Still, only a handful of male cicadas can meet female cicadas. Most male cicadas die in the middle of the road, lying on their backs with running out of strength.  It’s a transient life. I sympathize deeply with the lives of the male cicadas.


名を聞いて おっかなびっくり ノコギリソウ

Nokogiri-so (yarrow) in the photo is “Red flower like saw yarrow”, whose name is likely to bite your tongue.  The name is given because the leaves are like a saw, but the flowers are so beautiful and cute that they are very popular for viewing. Nokogiri-so grows naturally in mountainous areas of 1,000 m or more in Japan.  Another name, Seiyo Nokogiri-so (Western Yarrow), is native to Europe and came to Japan in 1887 (Meiji 20) for ornamental plants. Due to its strong fertility, it has become partly wild.  Seiyo Nokogiri-so has been known as a medicinal herb since prehistoric times, and a large amount of pollen has been found in Neanderthal graveyards.  Since ancient times in Europe, it has been used as an external medicine to stop bleeding and harden wounds, and it has an excellent tonic effect, so it is an internal medicine such as a sweating medicine for appetite promotion and colds, also used as herbal tea.  In addition, the strength of its vitality is that the garbage can be rapidly decomposed by simply putting a leaf in the composting garbage, and the secretions from the roots cure the diseases of the plants growing nearby and from pests. It is also called companion planting because it has the power to protect.  Nokogiri-so is an awesome flower, isn’t it?


久方の 賑わい戻る 海開き

It was the first time in three years that the beginning of a sea-bathing season opened.  It is the opening of the sea amid concerns about the spread of the 7th wave of the corona.  It took three years to end the pandemic 100 years ago, so we can’t let our guard down.  Compared to that time, the world population is more than doubled, human movement due to the development of transportation networks is an order of magnitude, while there are differences in various factors such as improvements in vaccines and medical systems, so it is not possible to make a general comparison, but the struggle with viruses will be a big challenge for humankind in the future.  How to balance economic activity and deregulation is a difficult question.  Looking at this seaside landscape, despite all that worry, it’s exciting to see the arrival of a fun summer. I just pray that this 7th wave will not lead to a serious situation.


サギソウの 平家の谷に 落ち延びて

White Sagi-so (Egret flowers), which were once commonly found in small wetlands and mountains, are now rarely seen.  The wetland environment preferred by Sagi-so has been destroyed by land development, and it has been designated as a near-threatened species.  Once upon a time, after traveling vertically in the Southern Alps, I was impressed to see the Sagi-so  flower that really danced like an egret in the cool breeze that blows through the valley in the wetlands around Ina Valley.  The area around Ina-dani is where the legend of the Heike deceased remains, and at a small shrine in the village, there was a red flag written with Kiyomori or Shigemori.  In the village of “Ura” in Hase, Ina City, there is a tomb of Taira no Kiyomori’s firstborn, Taira no Shigemori.  Shigemori was called Komatsu-dono in Kyoto, so I heard that there are many Komatsu surnames in the “Ura” and nearby villages.  The white Sagi-so is Genji, the red flag is  Heike, and strangely, Genpei’s deceased survived in Ina Valley.

かつてはちょっとした湿地帯や山あいに普通に見られたサギソウも、今では滅多なことでは見られなくなりました。サギソウの好む湿地環境が土地の開発などで壊され、準絶滅危惧種に指定されているほどです。昔、南アルプスを縦走しての帰り、伊那谷辺りの湿地帯で、谷を吹き抜ける涼しい風に、本当にシラサギのように舞うサギソウを見て感動したことがあります。伊那谷辺りは平家の落人伝説の残る地で、村の小さな神社には、清盛とか重盛とか書かれた赤い幟が立っていました。伊那市の長谷の「 浦 」という集落には、平清盛の嫡男、平重盛の墓があるそうです。重盛は、京都では、小松殿と呼ばれていたので、「浦」の部落や近くの部落には小松姓が多いと聞きました。サギソウの白は源氏、赤い幟は平家、奇しくも源平の落人が伊那谷に生き延びたわけです。

オニユリの あばたで振り撒く 笑顔かな

I always wonder why they named such a cute lily “Oni-yuri (demon lily)”.  It was probably attached because  Oni-yuri blooms big flowers and the orange petals make the image of a red demon.  Oni-yuri also have another name, “Tengai lily”.  Tengai (canopy) is a decorative cover that you hold over a Buddha statue or a great monk.  In India, the birthplace of Buddhism, it is customary to always cover their aristocrats with an umbrella lid to avoid strong sunlight, and it is believed that this was used as a Buddhist majestic tool. By the way, many Oni-yuri were in bloom around Kumano Nachi Shrine, which I visited in the summer.  In addition, Oni-yuri are often found in many temples and shrines.  It’s a familiar and very memorable lily, so it may have been named “Oni-yuri” with friendliness.


ひと夏の 賑わいを待つ 海静か

News of “sea opening” has begun to arrive from various places.  “Marine Day”, which was enacted in 1995 and started the following year, was July 20th, but due to the Happy Monday system of the Holiday Law revised in 2003, it became the third Monday of July.  It seems that there are many places where the opening of the sea in each place matches this day, but in Japan, which is long from north to south, it seems to be different depending on the weather conditions.  In any case, the sea and mountains will begin to flourish in earnest from the summer vacation that begins around July 20th.  It was also due to the influence of Corona for the past two years, and there was no liveliness.  This year, we have lifted various restrictions and are expecting a lot, but again, the 7th wave of corona is expanding rapidly.  Still, a certain amount of bustle will be revived, as many people who can’t stand it will go out to the sea and mountains.  It seems that it will not be possible to open the sea with agreeing while heartedly this year too.


簾越し 風鈴揺れて 涼和菓子

For the past few days, the temperature has dropped below 30 degrees Celsius, and the days have been relatively refreshing.  The teahouse that I dropped in for a while also opened the glass door, and the bamboo blinds were swaying in the wind.  Only continuous chorus of cicadas makes us feel the arrival of midsummer. It’s a teahouse renovated from an old folk house, with two female guests seated at a large single-wood table.  They are deliciously eating ice cream with seasonal fruits. The menu that was passed through has pictures of Japanese sweets that look cool.  I decided on this.  I was asked for a drink and ordered hot tea.  Hot tea is just right for sweets that look cool.  The cool breeze that occasionally blows through the bamboo blinds makes me forget the heat altogether.  The wind chime that I couldn’t hear before is ringing as I remembered.


月光に 白が艶めく カラスウリ

The flowers of Karasu-uri (snake gourd) was in bloom again this year in a place with a small bushes along the road.  It bears bright red fruits in the fall.  I have seen it in this place every year for a long time.  The flowers start to bloom after sunset, so you have to be prepared to see them.  It’s hard because you have to take a flashlight and take measures against striped mosquitoes. Still, it is a mysterious flower that I will want to see.  Night-blooming flowers, whether Yori-gao (Moon flower)  or Gekka-bijin (queen of the night), are generally white or whitish in color.  White flowers stand out well in the light of the moon and are a good marker for pollen-borne creatures.  However, the flowers of Karasu-uri are exceptional.  The lace-shaped flowers with cuts on the edges of the petals are even bewitching.  It is dioecious and male flowers stand out.  The next morning, after enjoying an overnight rendezvous with each other wrapped in white lace evening dress, the male flowers drop porori and flowers.  Female flowers continue to bloom for several nights, wither and bear fruit in the fall.
