夏山の 白馬を巡って 蓮華の湯

The first time I climbed Mt. Shirouma was from Sarukura.  Sarukura Cottage is 1250m and Mt. Shirouma is 2932m, so the altitude difference is about 1680m.  The difference in elevation between Mt. Eboshi and Bunatate Ridge, which I had climbed the year before, was 1,220m, so Mt.Shirouma is higher in terms of elevation difference, but this was much easier. Of course, the trail to Mt. Eboshi-dake is counted as one of Japan’s three most steep climbs, so it’s natural. And, when I arrived at Hakuba Cottage, I was surprised to find that the stove was burning hot even though it was midsummer.  The temperature was 2°C, so it’s natural.  Hakuba Cottage is now on par with a luxury hotel, but at that time it was a normal mountain lodge, albeit large in scale.  On the way down from Mt. Shirouma, I stopped by Renge Onsen.  It was a really simple hot spring along the mountain trail.  Of course naked in mixed bathing.  It looks like it’s changed completely now.


寂しさも ちょっぴりよぎる 夏の果て

The hot days have passed, and it’s time to feel the signs of autumn.  When you enter the mountains, the tsukutsuku-boshi cicadas will start singing, and when you go to the sea, you will only hear the voices of seabirds.  It is said that it is a rule of the world that what gets up must come down, but when it comes to nature, too, we feel a little lonely after the peak. The word late summer is perfect. High school baseball is the semi-finals today. The day after tomorrow is the final.  It’s still the height of summer here.  High school baseball players, do your best!


真夏日に 手に汗握る 高校野球

Yesterday, for the first time this summer, I spent all day without the air conditioner on.  High school baseball was also in the quarterfinals, and every match was a white-knuckle match, and it was a day where I could feel the midsummer for the first time in a while.  When you turn on the air conditioner, you only can know “the extremely hot day” every day, but you can’t really feel it.  However, even if it is “a hot summer day” like yesterday, you can really feel the heat of summer when you turn off the air conditioner.  What an ironic result.  The favored Omi High School barely beat the prestigious Takamatsu Commercial High School. After the game, Omi High School pitcher Yamada said to Takamatsu Commercial High School slugger Asano, “Nice batting. Complete defeat.”  My chest felt hot.  The highlight of the day was, of course, Shimonoseki Kokusai’s victory over Toin High School, the number one contender for the spring and summer title.  After the match, the tears of the defeated Osaka Toin Nine brought tears to my eyes.  It was a nice day.


戦場にも 向日葵花咲く ウクライナ

Recently, I often see advertisements about a park planted with thousands of sunflowers.  Sunflowers are certainly the flower that represents summer, and the sight of sunflowers blooming as far as the eye can see is a peaceful sight.  But this year is different.  Sunflowers remind us of wartime Ukraine and remind us of the old masterpiece “Sunflowers”.  The sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine and is now a symbol of resistance to Russian aggression.  The movie “Sunflowers” is being revived in Japan and around the world, and part of the sales will be donated to humanitarian aid in Ukraine.  In the old days, the movie “Sunflowers” was widely advertised as being set in Russia, but it seems that this movie cannot be seen at all in Russia.  This is because the real setting of “Sunflower” is a village called Chernichiyar near Poltava, a city in central Ukraine.  President Putin went on a military march with a self-righteous idea that “the nation of Ukraine does not exist”, but the people of Ukraine have been forming their own language since the country was formed around the capital Kyiv in the 9th century. It is a truly independent nation that has protected its culture and traditions.


浴衣着に 涼しさ見るや 大文字

August 16th is the last day of Obon.  It’s still a hot and humid season, but the Gozan no Okuribi floated in the night sky of Kyoto as if to miss the leaving summer.  Due to the corona crisis, the scale of the event was reduced from the year before last and last year, but this year, for the first time in three years, all fire beds were ignited.  This bonfire has the meaning of sending the spirits of ancestors who have returned to our homes in the underworld.  It is said that if you write your name and other information on the goma tree that is lit by the bonfire, it will ward off evil, and if you drink it with the bonfire reflected in the cup, you will not get paralyzed.  In the evening, thunder roared and it rained heavily, so the daimonji was delayed, but by 8:30, all of the daimonji, myo-ho, funagata, hidari daimonji, and torii-gata were lit. emerged in the summer night sky.  By the time the fire was extinguished, it was a night where I could feel the signs of autumn creeping in.


ひと夏を 線香花火で 締めくくり

Obon in 2022 is over today.  Each household also folds the offerings in front of the Buddhist altar, lights the bonfire with a flint, and sends the Buddha off.  In the old days, people used to go to a nearby river, perform these kinds of Buddhist rituals, and run offerings into the river.  In recent years, it is prohibited in many rivers because it is treated as garbage waste.  And most of all, in Kansai, today is the “Kyoto Gozan no Okuribi”.  It’s the first time in three years that the event has been held, and many people are already flocking to Kyoto in the daytime. At night, the mountains surrounding Kyoto city are lit up with flames of “Large,” “Myoho,” “Funagata,” “Left Daimonji,” and “Torii”. The flames are said to send the spirits of the dead, called shorai-san, to the afterlife.  It is said that more than 100,000 people come to watch the Gozan no Okuribi even on weekdays, but this year, even more people are expected.

2022年のお盆も今日でお終い。各家庭でも仏壇の前のお供物をたたみ、火打ち石で送り火を灯し、仏様をお送りします。昔は近くの川に行って、こうした仏事を行い、お供物などを川に流したものです。近年はゴミ廃棄物として処理される為、多くの河川では禁止されています。そして何と言っても、関西では、今日行われる『京都五山の送り火』です。3年ぶりの開催ということで、もう多くの人達が昼間から京都に押し寄せているそうです。夜ともなれば、京都市を囲む山々に炎の「大」「妙法」「船形」「左大文字」「鳥居形」が次々に浮かび上がります。その炎で、お精霊(しょらい)さんと呼ばれる死者の霊をあの世へ送り届けるとされています。 五山の送り火の見物客は平日でも10万人を超えるといわれますが、今年はより一層の人出が予想すれます。

終戦の日 知るや知らずや 鳳仙花     

77 years have passed since the end of the war.  The post-war generation has exceeded 80% of the population, and the number of people who remember the end of the war has decreased.  Times have changed dramatically, and we are now entering a historically epoch-making era called the information revolution, which is on par with the industrial revolution of the 18th century.  The spread of information devices represented by personal computers and smartphones is remarkable, and it is hard to imagine what kind of change will occur in the future.  Even in the age of the information revolution, which should contribute to the peace and prosperity of mankind, a barbaric war is still being waged in Ukraine.  In this war, as it is called an information war, information on enemy bases and personal SNS information, using communication satellites greatly influences the battlefield.  Ukraine, with the latest intelligence support from liberal countries, will eventually defeat Russia.


風もなく 柳もげんなり 盆の入り

After shopping, I stopped by a nearby park to cool off.  It was also lunchtime, and the crowds were sparse.  The weeping willows planted along the Hikimizu do not twitch with their branches hanging down.  It’s completely windless.  It’s just that it looks cool with the willows and doesn’t get hot because it doesn’t get direct sunlight in the shade.  The temperature is 35°C and the humidity is 80%, which is hell.  From the smartphone, “heat stroke prevention warning” is constantly sent.  I went home after taking a little rest.  I took out an adzuki bean popsicle from the refrigerator and ate it, and I felt like I was finally revived.


入道が 山に胡座の お盆かな

Obon is from today until the 16th.  The period of Obon differs from region to region, but the Obon holiday is common throughout Japan, and the four days from August 13th to 16th are the base of the Obon holiday, and many companies designate the Obon period as a holiday.  This year, it seems that many companies will have a week of summer vacation from “Mountain Day” on the 11th to the 17th.  Obon is not a holiday, but in the Edo period, there was a custom called ‘yabuiri,’ which allowed live-in apprentices to take a day off around the 16th of New Year and Obon and return to their parents’ homes. It has been inherited. In particular, the custom of visiting one’s hometown during the summer months was tied to the Buddhist custom of Obon, and the custom of holding memorial services for one’s ancestors at the time when one’s family and relatives were all gathered.


亡き人を 偲んで見るも 夏花火

37 years ago this evening, my family was driving to Tokyo.When the sun was about to set and dusk was approaching and our car approached the pass of Hakone, one of my sons sitting in the back seat said that a plane shook and flew away. I didn’t give it much thought at that time, and after about two hours, we arrived at my relative’s house in Tokyo.  At home, everyone is making a fuss in front of the TV.  It is reported that the Nikko Jumbo that left Haneda crashed somewhere in Okuchichibu while repeating Dutch rolls.  It was a tragic accident that caused the largest number of casualties in a single aircraft accident, which was later called “JAL plane crash” or “JAL jumbo plane crash”.  This morning after 37 years, this accident has been reported all the time.  May the victims rest in peace.
