気を取られ 岩間花咲く トラバース

Today is “Mountain Day”.  I have many fond memories of the mountains.  Now that I think about it, I did some pretty reckless climbing.  There are countless accidents, such as a mountain hut on the map being flattened and rushing to the next hut, or a guidepost breaking from the base due to strong winds and getting lost.  I have often come to terms with death.  Still, when summer comes, I’m excited.  Between Yarigatake and Okuhotaka, there is a large Kiretto (gap in a mountain ridge) with a height difference of over 300 meters.  It’s a place that makes me cringe even if I look at it on Youtube now.  Even in such a place, when I saw a flower in a little col, I would take out my camera from my backpack and take a picture of the flower.


夏花に 紫陽花もあり 萩もあり

Sounds good.  Extremely hot days welcome.  Summer should be hot.  With the number of people infected with the corona virus remaining at a high level and the heat stroke warning being issued, it may be unscrupulous, but this is my honest impression.  In such a way, when I went to the mountains for a while in search of coolness, Hagi flowers (Japanese bush clover flowers) were already blooming. On the other hand, hydrangea flowers are still blooming in the area where the shadow of the tree is thick.  It is a mysterious scene where the rainy season, midsummer and early autumn are mixed.  Kenko-hoshi said, “The seasons move us deeply each time, as one turns into another”.  I totally agree with him.  It’s still too early to feel the change of seasons, but the flowers seem to be sensitive to the signs of autumn.


ナガサキの 鐘に鎮まる 蝉時雨

It has been 77 years since the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945.  After Hiroshima, the second atomic bomb in human history was dropped, killing more than 70,000 people.  At that time, the population of Nagasaki was about 240,000.  Nagasaki, where an atomic bomb with about 1.5 times the power of Hiroshima was used, suffered less damage because Nagasaki City is surrounded by mountains, and the mountains cut off the heat rays and the blast.  The target of the atomic bombing after Hiroshima was initially Kokura in Fukuoka Prefecture, but due to various circumstances it became Nagasaki.  If an atomic bomb had been dropped on Kokura City, there must have been far more casualties than Hiroshima.  After the Battle of Midway in June 1942, Japan suffered defeat after defeat.  Scientists involved in the development of nuclear weapons have sent a petition addressed to the President of the United States stating that there is no need to use the atomic bomb because Japan will eventually surrender if left alone.  However, the use of atomic bombs by the United States not only forced Japan to surrender, but was also aimed at gaining an advantage over the Soviet Union, which was in conflict with the United States at the end of World War II, despite being the same Allied Forces.  In this way, the atomic bomb still carries the risk of being used after diplomatic failure.


ハマナスも 海の賑わい  嬉しそう

As of just one month ago, the number of people infected with the 6th wave of coronavirus decreased significantly, and many people had high hopes for this summer.  JTB, a major travel agency, conducted a survey on travel trends among “people who plan to travel for one or more nights during summer vacation (July 15th to August 31st).” and the analysis concluded that the willingness to travel during the summer vacation in 2022 will increase significantly compared to last year, approaching the level before the COVID-19 pandemic. And they predicted more long-distance travel, longer stays, and more trips with friends. However, immediately after the survey was conducted, the number of people infected with the corona virus began to increase rapidly, and on August 3, the number of infected people reached more than 249,000, the highest ever.  Schools all over the country started summer vacation, and although they had high hopes for the arrival of the summer vacation season, the situation suddenly changed to put a damper on that mood.  Even so, over the last two years, patience has exceeded the limit, and many people are heading out to the mountains and the sea.  Fortunately, the peak of the 7th wave seems to have crossed the mountain.  The national high school baseball tournament also welcomes spectators for the first time in a long time, and the competition is heating up.  I hope this summer will be a good memory.


猛暑日も 紫陽花花咲く 高野山

Koyasan does not have a geographic mountain called Koyasan, and is a so-called “one mountain precinct” where the entire Koyasan area is considered to be the precincts of a temple.  Koyasan is the entire temple town of Kongobu-ji Temple, which is located in a mountain top basin with an altitude of about 800m surrounded by 1,000m-class mountains.  The temperature is 5-10°C lower than Osaka throughout the year, and even in midsummer it rarely exceeds 30°C.  Even with the recent heat wave, the temperature remains around 27°C, which is a completely different world.  In the precincts of large cedar trees, hydrangeas are blooming, and in addition to Abura-zemi cicadas that play the leading role at this time of year, Tsukutsuku-bohshi cicadas are also singing actively in the daytime.  Unfortunately, the number of foreign tourists that used to be so large has almost disappeared in the last three years.


8・6  御霊安かれ 原爆忌

At 8:15, 77 years ago, on August 6, 1945, the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.  Today, at this time, many Japanese people offered a moment of silence to the victims of the atomic bombing.  All the while, the lingering sound of bells ringing sounded like the painful moans of the victims, and I couldn’t hold back my tears.  Every time I welcome this day, I think that humans are stupid creatures.  What are you trying to accomplish with such a sacrifice?  War is when you can’t stand anything that can be achieved through thorough discussion, and you try to force your opponent to surrender.  Many of them are means to realize the self-interest of the politicians.  Many citizens don’t even need borders.  In modern society, it is true that various mechanisms were born out of necessity, but when they are linked to power and those in power exercise it, nothing good comes of.  Russia, Putin, against Ukraine, yes, yes China.


老画家が 穂高描いてた 河童橋

It’s a memorable photo.  I went to Kamikochi about five years ago.  I had been there several times before, but all of them were for mountain climbing via Matsumoto in Nagano Prefecture.  Five years ago, I visited Kamikochi via Hirayu in Gifu Prefecture, which opened about 20 years ago.  I got off the shuttle bus in front of Taisho Pond at the entrance of Kamikochi, and headed for Kappa Bridge, going along the Azusa River while sometimes looking at signs warning of bears.  I arrived at Kappa Bridge in about an hour, but it is bustling as ever.  After taking a short break here and walking further towards Tokusawaen from Myojin Pond, an old painter wearing a pink T-shirt is staring at the Hotaka mountain range in front of him next to the Azusa River.  When I spoke to him, he gave me a very friendly reply.  We had coffee and took pictures.  Here is a photo from that time.  In the end, I couldn’t even go to Tokuzawaen, and as a result, I was deeply aware of the decline in my physical strength.


富士見れば これぞ日本の 夏景色

Spring, summer, autumn, and winter, the scenery looking up at Mt. Fuji is impeccable.  It is a symbol of Japan and the heart of the Japanese people.  On the contrary, Mt.Fuji is the place most foreigners visiting Japan want to visit, and foreigners who have visited are simply amazed by its beauty.  To be brief and to the point. When we talk about Japan and Japanese people, a single photo of Mt.Fuji says it all.  Today, with a well-developed transportation network and a well-developed information network, Japan, located in the Far East, an unknown country, is now the most wanted country in the world.  From now on, more and more foreigners will visit Japan, and the more they learn about Japan, the more they will be surprised by its beauty and spiritual depth.  The second half of the 21st century should surely be the century of Japan.  Only then will the world become more peaceful, and the spirit of “harmony” that cares for others will spread.


陽を浴びて 色取り豊か 夏野菜

As of August 3, 2022, the highest temperature in Japan was 41.1°C observed in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture on August 17, 2020, which is tied with the 41.1°C observed in Kumagaya, Saitama Prefecture in 2018. This year, it is expected that the highest temperature of 42°C will be recorded, surpassing this 41.1°C. Tracing the history of the highest temperature in Japan, for a long time the highest temperature in Japan was 40.8°C recorded in Yamagata Prefecture on July 26, 1933 (Showa 8).  This record was broken on August 16, 2007, 74 years later.  At that time, 40.9°C was recorded in Kumagaya, Saitama Prefecture, and Tajimi, Gifu Prefecture.  After that, on August 12, 2013, 41.0°C was observed in Ekawasaki, Kochi Prefecture, continuing the record high temperature in Japan.  By the way, the highest temperature in the world was 56.7 degrees Celsius about 100 years ago when it was recorded in Death Valley, California, USA.

2022年8月3日現在、日本の最高気温は、2020年8月17日に静岡県浜松で観測された41.1℃で、これは2018年に埼玉県熊谷で観測した41.1℃とタイ記録です。今年はこの41.1℃を抜いて42°Cを越える最高気温を記録されるのではないかと予想されています。日本の最高気温の歴史を辿ると、長い間、1933 年(昭和 8 年)7 月 26 日に記録された山形県の40.8°Cが日本の最高気温でした。この記録が破られたのは、なんと74年後の2007年(平成19年)8月16日です。その時記録されたのは、埼玉県の熊谷と岐阜県の多治見の40.9°Cです。その後、2013年(平成25年)8月12日に高知県の江川崎で41.0°Cを観測し、上記の日本歴代最高気温へと続きます。因みに世界の最高気温は、アメリカ・カリフォルニア州のデスバレーで記録された今から約100年前の56.7度です。

風鈴が 鳴れば鎮まる 蝉時雨

Once upon a time, the question, “Why do we feel cool when we hear the sound of wind chimes?”,  was taken up in NHK’s popular program “Chico will scold you!”. The temperature is originally sensed by the temperature nerve cells on the surface of the skin and conveyed to the brain to feel hot or cool.  But there is no connection between hearing and temperature neurons.  The reason why we feel cool when we hear the sound of the wind chime is due to the conditioned reflex of “The wind chime rings → The wind blows → It’s cool.”  This is a conditional reflex that is unique to the Japanese, and is based on experience accumulated over many years.  By the way, when foreigners hear the sound of wind chimes, they hear it as noise, feel hot, and their body temperature actually rises. It is also a psychological phenomenon called “selective attention” that the sound of wind chimes stands out in a continuous chorus of cicadas and the continuous chorus of cicadas seems to recede.  The Japanese have skillfully used these psychological phenomena to survive this hot summer.

NHKの人気番組『チコちゃんに叱られる!』でいつだったか、「風鈴の音を聞くと涼しく感じるのはなぜ?」という問題が取り上げられたことがあります。温度は本来皮膚表面にある温度神経細胞が感知して脳に伝える事で熱いや涼しいと感じます。しかし聴覚と温度神経細胞はなんの繋がりもありません。風鈴の音を聞いて涼しく感じるのは、「風鈴が鳴る→風が吹いている → 涼しい」という条件反射によるのです。これは日本人独特の条件反射で、長年積み上げられてきた経験知に基づきます。因みに、外国人が風鈴の音を聞いたら、雑音に聞こえ、暑苦しく感じ、実際に体温も上がるそうです。蝉時雨の中で風鈴の音が際立って聞こえ、蝉時雨の音が遠ざかるように聞こえるのも、「選択的注意」と呼ばれる心理現象です。日本人はこれらの心理現象を巧みに利用して、この暑い夏を乗り切ってきたのですね。