瓢箪は ひょこりんたんの 歌懐かし

♭♯♭ https://bit.ly/3D3nywC ♭♯♭

As I was walking along the road, I found Hyoutan (gourds) drying on the fence in the field. It’s still bluish, so it’s probably because it’s been dried for a short time.  If you hollow out the bottom and dry it for about a month, you will have a fine Hyoutan.  A long time ago, there was a program on NHK radio with a theme song called “Hyoutan wa Hyokorintan”, although I forgot the title.  When Hideyoshi Toyotomi was still called Hiyoshimaru, I think it was a story about him wandering around the countries in search of his dreams.  It was a program that left a strange impression on me, and I still remember the theme song.  I’m not confident about the lyrics and the melody, but I tried singing.
