菊芋は 花より団子の 噛み心地

Kikuimo (Jerusalem artichoke) were blooming in a nearby field.  I remember a friend planting Kikuimo a few years ago and helping out during the harvest.  Kikuimo is attracting attention for its rich content of “inulin”, which is said to be “natural insulin”.  The flowers bloom from around the end of September to this time, and harvest when the stems wither around the end of November.  As the name suggests, the flowers look like chrysanthemums, and the roots look like ginger.  It seems that there are various ways to eat it, but if you pickle it, it has a good texture and goes well with rice.  It is native to northern and northeastern North America, and was introduced to Japan as a fodder crop in the late Edo period.  Also, during World War II, cultivation was encouraged for processing and food, and some of them became wild.


大銀杏 見た目に金銀 翡翠にも

The ginkgo trees that stand in the park now grow clusters that are golden in color.  Also, whether you go to a supermarket or a greengrocer, as the name suggests, you will find silver ginkgo nuts in bags.  Gingko nuts are in season from early September to mid-October, although this varies by region.  The amount of chlorophyll inside is the largest, and when heated, it becomes a beautiful green color and has the most delicious taste.  If you close the lid and bake the popping ginkgo nuts for a while, the jade-colored fruit will come out.  When steamed in chawanmushi, the color of carotene comes out and becomes slightly yellowish.  In any case, the unique flavor of ginkgo nuts with a slightly bitter taste is unforgettable.  From early November to December, the ginkgo nut flesh turns yellow and shrinks.  The gingko nuts inside are also decomposed of chlorophyll, leaving only the yellow pigment component.  Of course, the unique flavor of ginkgo will be lost.


築地塀 ヌッと顔出す ダチュラかな

If the name of the flowers are too long, they cannot be included in the haiku.  What I wrote this time is not actually Datura, but Brugmansia.  A series of flowers similar to this is called datura, but the first one that came from India and Asia was named ‘Korean morning glory’.  This Korean morning glory was the first in the world to be used by Seishu Hanaoka, a medical doctor in the Edo period, for anesthesia surgery.  It was originally called Datura in India.  Korea is not the place of origin or anything, it simply means that it came from a foreign country.  Then came the similar, native American Datura, which we called American Korean Morning Glory.  Brugmansia is characterized by flowers that bloom downward, and is a different variety from Korean morning glory and American Korean morning glory.  All of them are commonly called angel trumpets.


そーりゃそーりゃ コロナも飛ばせ やり廻し

The Kishiwada Danjiri festival is held in two parts: the September festival on the sea side and the October festival on the mountain side.  The October festival is held on October 2nd (Sunday) as a rehearsal,  followed by two days: the Yoimiya (an eve)  on October 8th (Saturday) and the Honmiya (a main celebration) on October 9th (Sunday).  The September festival is the one that gets the most coverage on TV, but the October festival is just as exciting as the September festival.  Danjiri is a float with two tiers of large and small roofs and four tops, and is a name unique to western Japan.  Each neighborhood association owns a danjiri that costs more than 100 million yen, and people from all walks of life participate in the autumn festival regardless of age or gender.  The Kishiwada danjiri pulls the 4-ton or more danjiri at full speed under the slogan of “Sorya, sorya!”  In particular, “Yarimawashi” means making a turn on the tow course, and if you make a sharp turn without slowing down, the crowd will cheer you up.


暮れ六つの 香に染み込む 金木犀

It suddenly became the temperature of early November from a midsummer day.  The temperature dropped so quickly that I didn’t even have time to prepare a long-sleeved shirt.  In the evening, when you go to a nearby temple, you can smell Kinmokusei (fragrant orange-colored olive).  The fragrance comes from Kinmokusei planted near the temple bell tower.  Kinmokusei gives off  the strongest smell around the time when six bells ring in the evening.  Together with daphnia and gardenia, it is counted as one of the three major aromatic trees in Japan.  It is said that Kinmokusei was created in Japan by mutating from Ginmokusei ( silverwood rhinoceros) that came from China at the end of the Edo period.  Since there are only male plants in Japan, it can only be propagated by cuttings.


とこしえを 願ってかなわぬ バラの花

“Tokoshie” means “for a long time without changing forever”. It is a word that comes from “tokoshie”, which means “on the floor stone”, which is a solid rock. In kanji, it is written as “永遠 (eternal)”, “常しえ (constant)”, and “長しえ (long)”. It is a beautiful word that is deeply rooted in the heart of the Japanese people. When we see flowers, we think they are beautiful, and if possible, we would like to keep this beauty forever. Pressed flowers, dried flowers, and preserved flowers are manifestations of this. However, this is a big deal if it lasts for a few years, not forever. By the way, “the life of a flower is short.”, this words is a short poem that Fumiko Hayashi, who wrote “Houroki”, liked to write. It may be different for each person to feel that there are many painful things, but the life of flowers is certainly short. Furthermore, our life is not something that we can wish for “forever”.


柴栗を 落として知るや 歳の数

Recently, it has become rare, but if you go a little deeper into the mountains, you will find shibaguri. Even if I find such a chestnut, there is no piece of bur in the low places, who must have dropped it first. I found a stick nearby, stretched out, and finally dropped a small number of chestnuts. I took it home thinking that it would be a good material for chestnut rice.  Shibakuri, also known as Yamaguri, is a chestnut that grows wild in the mountains and has been used as food since the Jomon period.  They are about half the size of chestnuts sold at stores, but they have a unique sweetness that makes me go to the mountains because I can’t forget the taste.  It is also sold by mail order, but it is expensive.  Many people are attracted to this flavor.


銀杏を 拾う人はなし 御堂筋

Here again, the characteristics of the Japanese language are much seen here.  It is written as “銀杏” and read as “Ichou” as well as “Ginnan”.  Generally speaking, “Ichou” means a tree, and “Ginnan” means a fruit. Aside from that, Midosuji in Osaka is famous for its row of ginkgo trees.  Around this time of year, I often saw people walking down Midosuji with bags full of ginkgo nuts.  But these days, I don’t see many of those people anymore.  For one reason, Midosuji was the busiest area in Osaka, so traffic was restricted.  A total of 972 ginkgo trees are planted along Midosuji, stretching over four kilometers.  Ginkgo trees are dioecious, and only female trees produce gingko nuts.  When ginkgo nuts fall and pop, they give off a foul odor and cause cars and people to slip.  Therefore, in recent years, there is a circumstance that it is replanted with a male tree that does not bear fruit.  The other day, there were a lot of ginkgo nuts that had fallen, but most of them were trampled without anyone picking them up.  It’s a waste even though it’s delicious.


百日紅 咲いて懐かし 御堂筋

I had postponed visiting the graves of the equinoctial week as it was impossible under the intense heat.  Now that I have returned my driver’s license, I have no choice but to use trains and buses.  Since the grave is in the back of Shijonawate, Osaka, I used the JR Tozai Line.  After visiting the grave, I got off at “Kitashinchi Station” to see Osaka for the first time in a while.  From there, I went through the underground passage to Midosuji, and the underground passage is wide and splendid.  However, the streets are sparse and there are no shops.  It made me wonder why such a space is left alone, and why it was built.  Then head to Midosuji.  Perhaps because of the Midosuji restructuring plan that started in 2013, the sidewalk is widened and the flower beds are blooming with dwarf crape myrtle.  In the past, I used to walk all the way to Namba, the southern end of Midosuji. But, this time, we went to Oebashi, Osaka City Hall, and Yodoyabashi, and then headed back home.


乗り越えよう 初冠雪に 勇気湧く

The Kofu Local Meteorological Observatory announced the first snow cap on Mt. Fuji on the morning of the 30th.  It seems that the observation is 2 days earlier than the average year and 4 days later than last year.  The morning drama “Chimu Dondon” that I looked forward to every morning is over, and autumn is finally beginning in earnest.  Even so, I am puzzled by the ending of Chimu Dondon.  All of a sudden time warped and I was surprised to see that everyone had white hair.  And, in the last episode, when their sister was on the verge of death, everyone shouted “Father!”  This slapstick may have made viewers nervous and gained popularity.

甲府地方気象台は富士山の初冠雪を30日朝発表しました。平年より2日早く、去年より4日遅い観測だそうです。毎朝楽しみにしていた朝ドラの『ちむ どんどん』も終わり、いよいよ本格的な秋の始まりです。それにしても『ちむ どんどん』の終わり方には首を傾げます。いきなりタイムワープして全員が白髪姿にはびっくりしました。妹がこの最終回に死に瀕し、回復を願って皆んなが「お父さん!」と叫ぶシーンなど、取って付けたようで、全体的な構想がなくドラマが進行した様に思いました。このドタバタぶりが視聴者をハラハラさせ、人気を博したのかもしれません。