Taisanboku flower truly exudes the grandeur of a summer floral king. With its size (15-45cm in diameter), appearance, and pure whiteness, there is no flower that surpasses Taisanboku. Although it is native to the subtropical regions of southeastern North America, it is distributed worldwide. Initially, it was called “Dazhanmu” (which means “big cup tree” in Chinese) due to the shape of its flowers. However, owing to its majestic aura, it came to be called “Taishan tree,” named after the famous Chinese mountain, Mount Tai. It has various English names as well, such as Giant Flowered Magnolia or Big Laurel, emphasizing its size. In its native Mississippi and Louisiana, it is designated as the state flower. Taisanboku were introduced to Japan during the Meiji era. There is a Taisanboku planted in Ueno Park by the wife of the 18th President of the United States, Grant, who visited Japan as the first American president in the 12th year of the Meiji era. This Taisanboku was named “Grant Yurin” (Grant Magnolia) and continues to bloom to this day. By the way, Grant was a renowned general of the Union Army during the American Civil War and is known for having a reputation as one of America’s worst presidents.
泰山木の花はまさに夏の花の王者の風格があります。花の大きさ(直径15–45cm)といい、花姿といい、その白さといい、泰山木に勝る花はありません。原産地は北アメリカ南東部の亜熱帯地方ですが、世界中に分布しています。最初は、花の形から「大盞木」(たいさんぼく、盞は盃)と呼ばれていましたが、その風格からいつの頃からか、中国の名山「泰山」に因んで泰山木と呼ばれる様になりました。英語名も沢山ありますが、Giant flowered magnoliaとかbig-laurelと言う風に、やはり大きさに注目した様です。自生地のミシシッピ州とルイジアナ州では州の花に指定されています。日本には明治時代に導入されました。明治12年に、アメリカ大統領として初めて来日した、第18代大統領グラントの夫人が上野公園に植樹した泰山木が、「グラント玉蘭」と名付けられて今も花を咲かせています。因みにグラントはアメリカ南北戦争の北軍の名将で、アメリカの最悪の大統領と言う評判を持った人です。