It became a cryptic haiku. As I stared at the morning glory, I suddenly had a revelation: the center of the morning glory is a replica of a white hole. You may have heard of a black hole, which is a celestial body that absorbs all matter, even light, at its center, making it completely dark. On the other hand, a white hole is connected to a black hole and is a celestial body that emits the matter swallowed by the black hole, even emitting light, making it completely white. It resembles the center of a morning glory. Black holes have been confirmed to exist abundantly throughout the universe, continuously absorbing cosmic matter. However, their scale is still small, and the universe continues to expand since the Big Bang. However, as black holes increase in number and size, the universe will transition from expansion to contraction, eventually reaching its limit, and the entire universe will be swallowed by black holes. Beyond the black hole lies a white hole, which continuously emits the matter swallowed by the black hole. At the moment when the black hole consumes the entire universe, the white hole triggers a new Big Bang, giving birth to a new and different universe. This process repeats on a scale of trillions of light-years. And that was the “Midsummer Night’s Dream” that I was captivated by, as I gazed at the morning glory on a summer night.