ヒグラシと 風鈴の音と  わらび餅

I have composed a haiku with three seasonal words overlapping. Overlapping seasonal words are considered taboo in haiku. However, there is a famous haiku by the haiku poet Yamaguchi Sodo, who was active in the early Edo period, which goes: ‘In my eyes, fresh leaves – the mountain hototogisu, the first bonito.’ This verse effectively conveys the essence of early summer sensed through the five senses of sight, hearing, and taste. Of course, my haiku cannot compare to this verse, but it is a moaning verse, hoping to convey a momentary coolness amidst the intense heat just after the end of the rainy season.
By the way, let’s talk about Warabimochi. This is a traditional Japanese confectionery made from the starch extracted from the roots of the bracken fern (warabi). It has a soft and smooth texture. In the old days, it was said to be a favorite of Emperor Daigo. It is usually eaten with roasted soybean flour (kinako), powdered green tea (matcha), or black syrup (kuromitsu) poured on top. However, the amount of warabi powder that can be obtained is extremely limited, so most warabimochi is made by mixing warabi powder with other starches.

季語三つの季重なりの句になりました。季重なりは俳句ではタブーとされています。しかし江戸時代前期に活躍した俳人、山口素堂に「目に(は)青葉 山ほととぎす 初鰹」という有名な俳句があります。目、耳、口の五感で感じた初夏の趣きを的確に伝えています。もちろん我が俳句はこの句に及ぶべくもありませんが、梅雨明け直後の猛烈な暑さに一服の涼しさが伝えられたらと呻吟した句です。ところでわらび餅ですが、これはワラビの根茎から取れる澱粉を原料とする、柔らかく口どけの良い伝統的な和菓子です。古くは、醍醐天皇の大好物と伝えられていて、きな粉や抹茶の粉、黒蜜をかけて食べるのが一般的となっています。ただわらび粉が取れる量が極めて少なく、わらび餅もワラビ粉に他の澱粉を混ぜた物がほとんどです。

さあ夏ぞ コロナも明けて うまし夏

According to the meteorological station, on the 20th, the Kinki region was covered by a high-pressure system, resulting in clear skies over a wide area. It is expected to remain mostly sunny for the next week as well. The meteorological station announced on the morning of the 20th that “the rainy season is considered to have ended in the Kinki region.” This year’s end to the rainy season is one day later than usual but three days earlier than last year. Many schools are having their first-term closing ceremonies today, and tomorrow marks the beginning of summer vacation in many places.
Although the COVID-19 pandemic, which has lasted for three and a half years, has not yet completely subsided, it seems to be gradually heading towards an end. Over this period, society has undergone significant changes. The utilization of IT has further evolved, and various aspects of life, such as work styles, school teaching methods, and interpersonal communication through social media, have changed considerably. I’m also curious about how the accumulated energy from the past three and a half years of frustration will be released.
Even when riding the Nankai train that connects Kansai Airport and downtown Osaka, one can be surprised by the large number of foreign tourists. The news mentioned the day before yesterday that the number of foreign visitors to Japan has exceeded ten million. Although it is still far from the pre-pandemic fifty million, it is expected to surpass that number again sooner or later.


線香の 匂い染み込む ジャカランダ

In a corner of Osaka, famous for places like the Tsutenkaku in Shinsekai, Tennoji Zoo, and Abeno Harukas, there is Isshinji Temple where many celebrities are enshrined. The temple’s main gate is grand, and two Niō statues stand tall, resembling contemporary art pieces, giving the temple a museum or art gallery-like ambiance. In close proximity stands the Shitennōji Temple, but Isshinji also ranks among the most visited temples in Osaka. Inside its precincts, you’ll find the rare sight of Jacaranda flowers blooming, still uncommon in Japan, which adds to the surprise. It’s a temple that symbolizes the free city of Osaka, which is not bound by anything. Jacaranda is a flower commonly found in Central and South America, with Australia’s Jacaranda-lined streets being particularly famous. As Japan heads into autumn, Australia in the southern hemisphere blossoms with the pale purple flowers of Jacaranda, painting the spring streets in a purple hue. Jacaranda is one of the three world-renowned flowering trees (alongside Flame Tree and Poinciana) and belongs to the Bignoniaceae family of tall trees. Recently, people have been captivated by its beauty, and now you can spot Jacaranda trees here and there throughout Japan.


この歳に なっても夢見る 夏休み

From various places across the country, news of mountain openings and beach openings arrive, and yesterday marked the grand procession of the Gion Festival yamaboko floats in Kyoto, signaling the true arrival of this year’s peak summer season. The summer vacation is just around the corner. Even though I’m at an age where summer vacation no longer applies to me, every year at this time, I can’t help but feel that excitement and thrill. The morning radio calisthenics start, and I wonder if I should keep an illustrated diary. There’s also the anticipation of finding new friends during the summer break. Many thoughts swirl in my head. I’ve already reverted to my childhood self. The memories of summer vacations from childhood are deeply etched in my mind. In the past, boys would run around all day with just their underwear and a running shirt, and by the end of the summer vacation, their faces and bodies would be completely sunburnt. The concept of heatstroke didn’t even exist, and I wonder if there were any kids with such symptoms back then.


かき氷 祇園囃子を 聞きながら

Shaved ice while listening to Gion music
However, that doesn’t mean I’m physically present at the scene. Nowadays, live broadcasts can be seen on computers and smartphones, and there are plenty of videos uploaded on YouTube as well. Of course, the experience is different in person, so there’s nothing like actually witnessing it. The Gion Festival is one of those events, but recently, Japanese festivals, in particular, have been gaining attention abroad. While you can only see the Gion Festival by coming to Japan, Japanese Bon Odori dances, especially the Awa Odori in Tokushima, seem to be attracting people from all over the world. In Paris, New York, Melbourne, Barcelona, and various other places, you can witness the sight of locals dressed in yukata enjoying the Bon Odori dances. As a Japanese person, it makes me happy to see this, and I believe it represents one aspect of Japan contributing to world peace.


夏トンボ 欅に群れての コンサート

There was a concert in Misaki Town, known for the former Misaki Park, the southernmost tip of Osaka Prefecture. The venue, Kozu Hall, had a fantastic location with a view of the expansive Osaka Bay and a distant glimpse of Kansai Airport. Summer dragonflies flitted around the trees, most likely zelkova, planted in the front yard. Though the rainy season had not yet ended, the sky was clear, adorned with wispy white clouds brushed delicately across it.
Occasionally, planes took off from Kansai Airport in complete silence. Amidst the captivating view seen through the hall’s windows, Mr. Bisco, a pianist, came down from the 2nd floor in a novel costume that arranged Japanese clothes to the accompaniment of Ms SHINO, a shinobue player. Thus, the evening concert began.
Though the venue could hold only about 60 people, it was a small hall. However, with the skilled emcee, Mr. Takatsu, blending in his entertaining talk, a warm atmosphere enveloped the place. The audience enjoyed listening to various genres of music, from light melodies to jazz and ballads, as the twilight of early summer gently descended.

*Please enlarge the photo. You can see a dragonfly.

大阪府の最南端、旧みさき公園で知られる岬町でコンサートがありました。会場のKozu Hallは、前に大阪湾が広がり、遠くに関西空港が見える絶好のロケーションにあります。前の庭に植えられた、多分欅(けやき)と思われる木の周りには、夏トンボが飛び回っています。まだ梅雨は明けていませんが、青空が広がり、刷毛で撫ぜた様な薄い白雲が漂っています。時折、関西空港から飛び立った飛行機が音もなく飛び立って行きます。ホールの窓越しに見える景色に気を取られていると、ピアニストの Biscoさんが、和服をアレンジした斬新な衣装姿で、篠笛奏者のSHINOさんの伴奏に合わせて2階から降りてきました。たそがれコンサートの始まりです。会場には60人ばかりの人が入っているでしょうか、その程度の小さなホールですが、オーナーの高津氏の巧みなトークを交えて、温かい雰囲気の中、軽音楽、ジャス、バラードと様々な曲を聴きながら、初夏の夕べのとばりが降りて行きました。

朝顔に ホワイトホールの 相を見る

It became a cryptic haiku. As I stared at the morning glory, I suddenly had a revelation: the center of the morning glory is a replica of a white hole. You may have heard of a black hole, which is a celestial body that absorbs all matter, even light, at its center, making it completely dark. On the other hand, a white hole is connected to a black hole and is a celestial body that emits the matter swallowed by the black hole, even emitting light, making it completely white. It resembles the center of a morning glory. Black holes have been confirmed to exist abundantly throughout the universe, continuously absorbing cosmic matter. However, their scale is still small, and the universe continues to expand since the Big Bang. However, as black holes increase in number and size, the universe will transition from expansion to contraction, eventually reaching its limit, and the entire universe will be swallowed by black holes. Beyond the black hole lies a white hole, which continuously emits the matter swallowed by the black hole. At the moment when the black hole consumes the entire universe, the white hole triggers a new Big Bang, giving birth to a new and different universe. This process repeats on a scale of trillions of light-years. And that was the “Midsummer Night’s Dream” that I was captivated by, as I gazed at the morning glory on a summer night.


花姿 泰山木に 勝るなし

Taisanboku flower truly exudes the grandeur of a summer floral king. With its size (15-45cm in diameter), appearance, and pure whiteness, there is no flower that surpasses Taisanboku. Although it is native to the subtropical regions of southeastern North America, it is distributed worldwide. Initially, it was called “Dazhanmu” (which means “big cup tree” in Chinese) due to the shape of its flowers. However, owing to its majestic aura, it came to be called “Taishan tree,” named after the famous Chinese mountain, Mount Tai. It has various English names as well, such as Giant Flowered Magnolia or Big Laurel, emphasizing its size. In its native Mississippi and Louisiana, it is designated as the state flower. Taisanboku were introduced to Japan during the Meiji era. There is a Taisanboku planted in Ueno Park by the wife of the 18th President of the United States, Grant, who visited Japan as the first American president in the 12th year of the Meiji era. This Taisanboku was named “Grant Yurin” (Grant Magnolia) and continues to bloom to this day. By the way, Grant was a renowned general of the Union Army during the American Civil War and is known for having a reputation as one of America’s worst presidents.

泰山木の花はまさに夏の花の王者の風格があります。花の大きさ(直径15–45cm)といい、花姿といい、その白さといい、泰山木に勝る花はありません。原産地は北アメリカ南東部の亜熱帯地方ですが、世界中に分布しています。最初は、花の形から「大盞木」(たいさんぼく、盞は盃)と呼ばれていましたが、その風格からいつの頃からか、中国の名山「泰山」に因んで泰山木と呼ばれる様になりました。英語名も沢山ありますが、Giant flowered magnoliaとかbig-laurelと言う風に、やはり大きさに注目した様です。自生地のミシシッピ州とルイジアナ州では州の花に指定されています。日本には明治時代に導入されました。明治12年に、アメリカ大統領として初めて来日した、第18代大統領グラントの夫人が上野公園に植樹した泰山木が、「グラント玉蘭」と名付けられて今も花を咲かせています。因みにグラントはアメリカ南北戦争の北軍の名将で、アメリカの最悪の大統領と言う評判を持った人です。

簾越し 涼ず風に舞う 朝顔や

The first cicada has started chirping. Under the roadside trees, there are discarded cicada shells. A little further away, the morning glories are in full bloom on the same hedge. The end of the rainy season is near. While it varies from year to year, the average date for the rainy season to end in the Kinki region is around July 19th. Last year it was on July 23rd, but this year it seems to be advanced a little earlier than that. On the other hand, the news on TV has been reporting the damages caused by heavy rain in northern Kyushu for several days. It’s a devastating sight that makes you want to cover your eyes. It seems that natural disasters caused by climate change like this are increasing year by year. Without relying solely on past data, we need to take proactive measures as early as possible to avoid being struck by even greater disasters in the future. This is an era where a significant shift in consciousness is required.


風鈴に 幻想広がる 巫女神楽

Although I thought the Tanabata Festival and the Wind Chime Festival were separate events, I was surprised to find that many shrines and temples hold a joint festival called the Tanabata Wind Chime Festival. It makes sense since both festivals are held in early summer and share the common practice of hanging strips of paper on bamboo branches, as well as wind chimes. Even the Kamigamo Shrine in Kyoto holds the Tanabata Wind Chime Festival every year during this season. The sight of wind chimes hanging on both sides of the Kagura stage, with shrine maidens performing sacred dances, is truly a summer tradition. Kamigamo Shrine, located north of Shimogamo Shrine across the Kyoto Botanical Garden, is one of the oldest shrines in Japan. Its history is documented in the Nihon Shoki and Kojiki, but in reality, it remains a shrine full of mysteries and is important for understanding the origins of Japan. As the evening darkens and the cicadas chirp, the sound of wind chimes resonates while watching the Kagura dance performed by the shrine maidens, drawing you into a world of enchantment.
