A splendid bougainvillea blooms gracefully, draping itself over an old concrete wall with cracks. I look forward to witnessing this sight and visit here every year. Bougainvillea is a tropical climbing plant belonging to the Nyctaginaceae family. Its bold and vibrant colors, characteristic of tropical regions, are captivating. It originates from Central and South America. In Japan, this flower is commonly seen in Okinawa, but recently it has started to be seen in other parts of Japan as well. Bougainvillea is hardy and easy to cultivate, producing flowers in various colors such as red, pink, white, purple, and yellow for an extended period. Although it is sensitive to cold, you may still spot its flowers in Japan even in November and December. Perhaps Japan has become more tropical in recent times. Bougainvillea, with its name evoking an exotic ambiance, is a sight to behold against the backdrop of Greek white houses. However, seeing it like this, entwined with a weathered concrete wall, also adds a touch of sabi (a special kind of beauty that results from aging) and beauty.