ゴンシャンの 歌が聞こえる 曼珠沙華 Looking at Manjushage, I can hear the Gongshan’s song, With a sad tones.

I always think, what a glamorous yet quaint flower it is. Around the equinoctial week of September, by the lush rice fields, not in a single cluster but here a group, there a group, one or two standing alone in the foreground, and far ahead forming clusters, they bloom. Not in a riotous burst of color but in a way that doesn’t fail to captivate human eyes, unquestionably a scene of autumn.
On the path by the paddy fields in the distance, a woman walks with a bright red parasol, her steps seeming somewhat lonely and precarious, and she suddenly appears, then disappears with a whoosh.
Back in high school, when I learned to read sheet music, I bought various music scores and devoured them. I still remember the excitement I felt when I discovered this “Manjushage” in a rather thick songbook, maybe it was called “Complete Collection of Japanese Songs.”
The song “Gon Shan, Gon Shan, Where Are You Going?” composed by Kosaku Yamada with lyrics by Hakushu Kitahara, it has the style of Japanese folk songs, and it also has a melody reminiscent of a lullaby, with a feeling of a pilgrim’s lymn. But back then, I didn’t think much about the meaning of the lyrics.
Now, as I read the lyrics again and hum the song, I feel an indescribable sense of loneliness, as if it’s approaching with the scene of the blooming Manjushage and the deepening sense of autumn.
Is the Manjushage bubbling up like a child who passed away at a young age, or is it the child who couldn’t be born into this world due to circumstances? We all live with the uncertain reality that we can’t control.
Please, don’t kill your child.

「ごん しゃん、 ごん しゃん、 どこへ ゆく」、山田耕作作曲で北原白秋作詞のこの曲だが、日本民謡風でもあり、子守唄のような旋律でもあるような、また御詠歌のような雰囲気をもった歌だなあ、と思ったが、それ以上に歌詞の意味を考えてもみなかった。