咲き揃い 朝露受けて やっと秋 Blooming flowers, dewdrops received, finally autumn

It’s amazing how the temperature has dropped sharply since the equinox. Even so, it’s still over 30 degrees Celsius during the day. There were tropical nights with temperatures over 25 degrees Celsius, but the temperature on the morning of the autumnal equinox was below 20 degrees Celsius, so I was surprised. I could feel the coldness as dew fell on the cockscombs. This summer has been a record-breaking year, and this trend has been going on for a while now. The catch of saury has decreased, the flowering of cockscombs has been delayed, and the effects of climate change are widespread. Unlike earthquakes and typhoons, there is a lack of awareness of the crisis of climate change, which makes it even more scary. It’s the same with diseases. The condition often progresses without any symptoms, and when you realize it, it’s too late. The situation with climate change is different from that of diseases. It is recognized everywhere on Earth, but national egos are prioritized, and measures are slow. Hegel’s dialectic “transformation from quantity to quality” is also applicable to the natural world. Transformation in a good sense is welcome, but transformation in a bad sense is a problem.
