干し柿が 甘くなる頃 もう師走  Dried persimmons,  Sweetening more and more by the time,  Then December arrives

I harvested a lot of astringent persimmons. It’s going to be a lot of work to peel them, string them up, and dry them. But the sweetness when I tried it when the surface of the dried persimmon turns white is exceptional. I’m even moved by the wonder that astringent persimmons can become so sweet. It’s also unrefined to think about tannins and everything in terms of reason. I guess people in the old days knew from experience that astringent persimmons would eventually become sweet if left on the tree. However, if you leave it alone, the birds will eat it sooner or later. So, the idea of skewering astringent persimmons was born. If you dry it in a place where birds don’t come, you can put it under a mirror cake on New Year’s Day and use it as a sword of the three sacred treasures. Around the Edo period, the current method of making dried persimmons became established because it was more efficient to hang astringent persimmons with strings than to skewer them. Since the sweetness of dried persimmons is 1.5 times that of sugar, it is said to be the king of sweetness among fruits.


うまし国 インバウンドが 寄せる秋 Beautiful Japan,  Autumn welcomes inbound tourists,  From all over the world

The word ‘inbound’ is currently very popular. ‘Inbound’ refers to the travel of foreign visitors to a country. In particular, in Japan, ‘inbound’ means ‘foreign tourists coming to Japan.’ According to a preliminary report from the Japan National Tourism Organization, the amount spent by inbound visitors in Japan from July to September this year reached a preliminary total of 1.39 trillion yen. The highest amount spent in a three-month period prior to this was 1.27 tr illion yen in April to June 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, and this has now been surpassed, reaching a new record high. This is attributed to the rapid recovery in the number of foreign visitors to Japan and the recent weakening of the yen.
Japan was ranked as the number one country to visit in a survey by a major American travel agency. The reasons for choosing Japan were cited as ‘unique cultural experiences’ (22.6%), ‘traditional cuisine’ (18.5%), and ‘abundance of tourist attractions’ (14.4%).
However, the current number of inbound visitors is just under 14 million, still 6 million short of the goal of 20 million. It remains to be seen whether this goal can be achieved in the next two months. I recall that before the COVID-19 pandemic, Japan had around 50 million inbound visitors and was aiming for 60 million.


すっぽりと 白いキャップは 今日の富士 A snug white cap、Caps the summit of Mount Fuji today、 Very nice figure.

I received news about today’s Mount Fuji. It’s been exactly two weeks since the first snowfall on October 5th. Back then, it was just a slight dusting on the summit, but today’s Mount Fuji is dressed in a casual white bucket hat. I’ve seen a young carpenter at my regular training gym always wearing this type of hat, and it’s quite stylish, so I learned the name of this hat. This year’s first snowfall on Mount Fuji is five days later than last year and three days later than the average year. Given the heat this year, I thought the first snow might come a bit later, so I was surprised by its early arrival.
From now on, the snow will gradually spread down the slopes, but I’ve never seen an all-white Mount Fuji. That’s because Mount Fuji is covered in forests below the 5th station, so even when there’s snow on the ground, it looks dark from a distance. A snowless Mount Fuji is beautiful in its own way, but a snow-covered Mount Fuji looks gentle and lovely, indeed.


手をかけず 畑に咲く花の 愛らしき Without human hands,  The charming flowers bloom in the field.  How lovely they are.

Finally, it feels like autumn. I picked some flowers from the corner of my fields and put them in a bowl. They are unexpectedly colorful, even though I didn’t take much care of them, just watering them occasionally.
This summer was really hot, and it lasted for a long time. Even though it’s already autumn according to the calendar, I don’t feel like it’s autumn yet. I’m sure the flowers are also confused. I’m not sure when the flowers I picked today will bloom or when they will be in full bloom, but the autumn’s representative flower, the higan-bana (the red spider lily), certainly bloomed in a different way than usual.The October cherry blossoms are also blooming later than usual, and I’m curious how it will affect the blooming of the cherry blossoms next year.
I said that it finally feels like autumn, but is it really? I guess I’ll know if I check the weather data, but considering this is the climate in mid-October, I guess my body will get used to it before I know it.


花の名が 連想させる シオンの丘 The name of the flower,  Evoques the hill of Zion,  It’ Shion flower  

As expected, the Shion flowers are in full bloom. For as long as I can remember, during this season, I always visit this vacant lot without fail. It’s because the Shion flowers are in bloom. These flowers are taller than me, yet each delicate blossom exudes a pale purple hue. Within their Western appearance, there is a hint of Eastern elegance.
And now, when I see these flowers, what comes to mind is the sacred land of Israel, ‘Mount Zion.’ The name of the flower, ‘Shion’ and the sacred place, ‘Zion’ have no real connection, just a coincidental phonetic similarity. However, these two ‘Zion and Shion’ have become inseparable in my mind.
Zion is an ancient name for Palestine, the homeland of the Jewish people. The movement for the return to the homeland, which began in the 18th century, was called the ‘Zionist movement’ in its honor. Their long-cherished dream was realized with the establishment of Israel, but since then, a chain of hatred between Israel and Palestine has persisted. And now, once again, that chain of hatred is on the verge of exploding.


海遥か カンナの先に 見る夢は Far across the sea, beyond the canna flowers, a dream I see.

Canna standing on the beach.
I feel the lingering traces of summer.
The sun is strong, but the sea breeze blowing over is autumn.
The turning point of the season when late summer and early autumn are mixed is also shaking my heart.
The horizon and beyond, is it the this shore (earth) or the other shore (heaven)?
If it’s the this shore, the world should be wide open.
Countries I want to visit once, my dreams expand.
Countries that hurt my heart, my heart sinks.
The more I know that it is destined to disappear into the other shore, the more I can’t help but regret the this shore.
There are too many things that couldn’t be solved.
The realization of the world I dreamed of is far too far.
What will I become even if I live on?
It’s just that I can’t even deal with myself.
I feel envious of the Canna blooming gracefully while looking at the sea.


紅白の 秋を言祝ぐ 松葉菊 The matsubagiku, Celebrate the arrival of autumn, With their red and white petals.

Last night, I was watching a live broadcast from the Gaza Strip on YouTube. Amid the continuous wailing of air raid sirens, the streaks of missiles launched from Israel and the interceptor missiles trying to stop them were constantly lighting up the night sky. It was like a real-time broadcast of a war.
The cause of this event was a surprise attack by Hamas, a militant Palestinian organization that controls the Gaza Strip, on Israel. While there have been numerous conflicts in the past, this surprise attack was on a much larger scale. This was a surprise attack, with the full knowledge that if we attacked Israel, we would receive more than double the retaliatory attacks.
The underlying factors for this conflict are complex and have been subject to various analyses, but there is no clear consensus. It is certain that there is a deep-seated enmity among Palestinians toward Israel, but some suggest that this act was driven by factors such as a growing disconnect between the Gaza Strip residents and Hamas, or a sense of urgency in response to recent diplomatic developments between Arab nations and Western countries.
Some even speculate that Russia, under President Putin’s strategic calculations, might have had a role in encouraging Hamas. Given Russia’s failure in the Ukraine invasion and the international community’s focus on military support for Ukraine, it’s possible that they instigated Hamas as a means to divert attention and resources away from Ukraine.


戦場に 届け日本の 秋景色 Sending to the battlefield Autumn Scenery of Japan For the people there

Right now, the fifth Middle East war is about to happen. The chain of hatred between Israel and Palestine has persisted since the founding of Israel in 1948. It has deep roots, dating back to the expulsion of Jews from the land of Israel 2,000 years ago. After the Jews executed Jesus, the founder of Christianity, the Jews were chased away by the Christians who gained momentum. Many Jews scattered around the world have endured persecution over the past 2,000 years. As depicted in Shakespeare’s ‘The Merchant of Venice,’ finance became an invaluable profession for Jews who couldn’t find respectable employment. Originally considered a lowly profession, finance evolved to become central in capitalist societies alongside the development of capitalism. Many of the world’s financial empires are of Jewish origin. With the support of such empires, as well as backing from the United Kingdom, France, and the United States, Israel fulfilled its 2,000-year-old aspiration to reclaim its homeland. However, in the process, Palestinians who had lived in the land of Israel for over 2,000 years would be displaced. It is the beginning of a tragedy. Both sides have valid reasons for their perspectives. Let us hope that the current conflict does not escalate into the fifth Middle East war.


見るほどに コスモスの名は なるほどと The more I see them The more I understand the origin  The name of cosmos.

The name “cosmos” was given when the Spanish brought cosmos flowers back from Mexico in the 18th century. It is said to be derived from the Greek word “kosmos,” meaning “harmony,” “order,” and “beautiful,” because of the regular and orderly arrangement of its petals. Incidentally, “kosmos” (cosmos) can also mean “universe,” and this comes from the fact that the philosopher Pythagoras named the ordered and harmonious universe “cosmos.” I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but the more I look at the cosmos flowers , the more this coincidence makes sense.
Cosmos is a plant of the Asteraceae family native to Mexico, and in Japanese, it is called “秋桜 (Akizakura)” or “大春車菊 (Ooharushagiku).” The practice of reading “秋桜” as “cosmos” in Japan began after the song “秋桜 (Cosmos)” became a big hit when performed by Momoe Yamaguchi in 1977.


花見とは 言うには寂し 冬桜  Winter cherry blossoms  Although it is called cherry blossom viewing  There is something lonely

I learned only recently that cherry blossoms also bloom in winter. This is a characteristic of the information age, where we can learn about things we’ve never seen or had particular interest in, all through the media. ‘Fuyuzakura’ is a general term for cherry blossoms that bloom during this season, with ‘Jugatsuzakura’ specifically referring to those that start blooming around October, and then there’s the ‘Fuyuzakura’ that continue to bloom afterward, making a distinction. ‘Jugatsuzakura’ has somewhat thinner petals and some may even have double petals, whereas ‘Fuyuzakura’ has thicker petals with five petals. The name ‘Jugatsuzakura’ has been recorded since the Edo period, indicating that it has been cherished for a long time. Recently, there have been famous locations for ‘Jugatsuzakura’ and ‘Fuyuzakura,’ and it seems that there is a growing community of winter cherry blossom enthusiasts.
