憂愁の 影を隠して 秋のバラ Autumn roses Hiding the shadows of melancholy Blooming admirably

Even when visiting the same rose garden, spring and autumn offer entirely different charms. In spring, every flower bursts with vigor, blooming abundantly, creating a vibrant and uplifting atmosphere. It brightens one’s mood effortlessly. In contrast, autumn features fewer blooms, setting a tranquil and serene ambiance. Perhaps it’s the setting that influences one’s mood, as each individual rose becomes dear, causing us to linger longer. The rose that caught my eye might be called ‘Nostalgia.’ It starts to bloom towards the end of summer, initially with a white center and pink edges, gradually deepening in color with a yellowish center and crimson edges. Eventually, the edges turn black, just before wilting. Nostalgia, illuminated by the evening sun, seemed to convey something, drawing me in irresistibly. With a heavy heart, I left the place, feeling as if I were leaving a part of me behind.


彼岸も過ぎ 百合かと思えば アマリリス Beyond the equinox, Thinking they were lilies, Amaryllis bloom.

I thought there were lilies blooming in the sunny spot of the park, but as I approached, I realized they were not lilies. They had no leaves at all, much like higanbana. Lilies should have leaves on their stems. The color was a pale pink, quite similar to the sasayuri (Easter lily), but larger and with different stamens and pistils. I promptly took a photo and searched for it, and I found it called Jersey Lily. All explanations about Jersey lily are in English. Its native habitat is the Cape region of South Africa, but it was brought back to the UK and bloomed on the island of Jersey in the Channel Islands for a long time, hence the name Jersey Lily. It’s officially called Belladonna Lily and is known as ‘Honma-amaririsu (real amaryllis)’ in Japan. Although it’s called Lily in Western countries, it’s actually the original species of amaryllis. When we think of amaryllis, we usually imagine them blooming in early summer with leaves attached. The amaryllis that bloom in spring are a subspecies, derived from this Belladonna Lily. That’s why we call it ‘Honma-amaririsu’ in Japan. I agree.

公園の陽だまりにササユリが咲いていると思って近付いたらユリではありません。彼岸花の様に葉が全くないのです。ユリなら茎に葉がついているはずです。色は薄いピンク色で良く似ていますが、ササユリより大きく、雄蕊雌蕊も違います。早速写真に撮り、検索したら、Jersey lilyとありました。ジャージー・リリーと読み、英文の説明ばかりです。原産地は南アフリカのケープ地方ですが、イギリスに持ち帰られ、イギリス、チャネル諸島のジャージー島に咲いたいたので長くJersey lilyと呼ばれていました。正式にはベラドンナリリーと呼ばれ、日本ではホンアマリリスと呼ばれています。洋名はリリーと呼んでいますが、アマリリスの原種です。アマリリスと言えば普通初夏の頃に咲くと思われていて、開花時には葉も付いています。春に咲くアマリリスは亜種で、このベラドンナリリーから別れた品種です。それで日本ではホンアマリリスと呼んでいる訳です。納得です。

霧雨に 霞むだんじり 秋に落ち  In the drizzling rain, Danziri floats in mist, Autumn descends.

Yesterday (10/7) and today (10/8) mark the Danjiri Festival for the entire Izumi region. While the Danjiri Festival in Kishiwada City, known nationwide, takes place in September along the coastal area, the Yamate Festival spans these two days. Yesterday, though it was mostly overcast, we had occasional sunshine, making it perfect Danjiri weather. Unfortunately, today’s weather is less favorable with misty rain. Nonetheless, from late September to early October, the entire Izumi region is painted in the colors of Danjiri, marking both the end of summer and the full-fledged start of autumn. Days like today emphasize this feeling even more.
This year, thankfully, we haven’t experienced major disasters nationwide and have welcomed a fruitful autumn. However, the effects of gradual climate change are manifesting themselves in various ways. Concerns persist, such as the prediction that the Nankai Trough earthquake has a 70% chance of occurring in the next 30 years, along with frequent earthquakes near the Izu Islands, which connect to Mount Fuji. The uncertainties continue.
If only the last Danjiri Festival of the year could have been held under clear autumn skies, we might not feel this way.
It’s definitely a man’s (?) heart and an autumn sky.


秋日和 金波銀波の 枯れ尾花 Autumn day   Golden and silver waves  Of withered tail flowers

I debated whether to use ‘Kare-susuki (withered pampas grass)’ or ‘Kare-obana (withered susuki grass).’ ‘Kare-susuki’ seemed to carry a somewhat dark connotation, possibly influenced by the songs ‘Sendo Kouta’ and ‘Showa Kare-susuki.’ ‘Sendo Kouta’ became popular immediately after the 1923 Kanto earthquake, while ‘Showa Kare-susuki’ experienced a boom in 1974. I can better understand the historical context of ‘Sendo Kouta,’ which was the aftermath of the Kanto earthquake, but the background of ‘Showa Kare-susuki’ is complex and somewhat challenging to grasp. It was a time marked by the post-war economic boom, and student movements, as symbolized by the ‘Asamayama Sansou Incident,’ were waning and losing their momentum.
Today’s scenery, with susuki grass gleaming silver during the day and turning golden in the evening, inspired me to choose ‘Kare-obana.’ This scene can be found on the ‘Oishi Plateau,’ which stretches across Kishimoto Town and Aridagawa Town in Wakayama Prefecture, at an elevation of approximately 870 meters.


昏れなずむ 薮蘭群れ咲く 寂し道 Twilight falls, Yaburans bloom in silence On a lonely path.

The road that passes through the thick forest is a concrete road. At best, bicycles pass each other; cars do not pass. Currently, both sides of the road are adorned with wild orchids. During the twilight hours, while walking there, I can hear the buzzing of bees. Their wings are small, and their bodies are petite, so it seems to be Japanese honeybees. The widely raised honeybee species globally for honey production is the ‘Western honeybee.’ Japanese honeybees have a weaker ability to gather honey, so most of the bees gathering nectar from flowers like yaburans in Japan are indeed Japanese honeybees. However, Japanese honeybees are originally native to Japan and have played a significant role in Japanese agriculture since ancient times. Speaking of which, the bees congregating on the wild orchids are covered in pollen all over their bodies.


麗しの 初冠雪や 富士の影 Beautiful sight – Putting on the first snow cap, The shape of Fuji

Today, October 5, we received news of the first snowfall on Mount Fuji. It is three days later than average and five days later than last year. The earliest record to date is August 9, 2008, and the latest record is October 26, 2016. Last year (2022), it was observed on September 30. In addition, the first snowfall cap of the season was yesterday, on the 4th, at Mt. Asahidake in the Daisetsuzan Mountains in Hokkaido, and the snowfall cap of Mt. Fuji is second.
By the way, the first snowfall cap on Mount Fuji is observed by the Kofu Local Meteorological Observatory in Yamanashi Prefecture. The condition for the first snowfall cap is that the area around the summit is seen to be white from the Kofu Local Meteorological Observatory after the average daily temperature is the highest day of the year. Even if the first snow is observed earlier in Mishima or Kawaguchiko, that day will not be the first snowfall cap.
Because Kofu is further away from Mount Fuji than Mishima or Kawaguchiko, and there is a high possibility that Mount Fuji will be obscured by clouds in between, the day of the first snowfall cap on Mount Fuji tends to be later than the first snow. There have been many times in the past when the first snow and first snowfall cap on Mount Fuji have differed.
Today, unfortunately, the sky was cloudy, but the sight of Mount Fuji’s snow-capped peak on a clear day is beautiful and clearly tells us the arrival of autumn and the subsequent arrival of winter.


寒露前 今が満開 彼岸花 In Late-Autumn Now in full bloom, Higan-bana.

It is now the “mizu hajimete karuru” (water begins to dry up) period of the autumnal equinox. This means that it is the time to drain the water from the rice fields and begin harvesting the rice. It’s about the time that the higanbana (the spider lilies) that were blooming in the ridges also wither. However, the higanbana that are blooming in the hedges along the sidewalks are in full bloom. It seems that this is the case everywhere in Japan. Higanbana will not bloom unless the temperature is below 25 degrees Celsius. Since the time of the equinox, it has been a series of hot days and summer days. The temperature has started to drop below 25 degrees Celsius in the morning and evening in the past week. This must have been the condition for the higanbana to bloom, and they have bloomed two weeks late. As this high temperature phenomenon is likely to continue every year, we need to find a new higanbana. And we need to give a new name to the current higanbana. We might as well change the calendars and seasonal almanacs that we have been using to something completely new.

今は秋分の末侯「水始涸 (みずはじめてかるる)」 です。「田んぼの水を抜き、稲穂の刈り入れを始める頃」と言う意味です。畦に咲いていた彼岸花も枯れる頃です。でも、歩道の生垣に咲く彼岸花は満開です。全国どこともそうらしいです。彼岸花は気温が25°以下にならなければ咲きません。お彼岸の頃からこっちは真夏日と夏日の連続でした。ここ一週間前辺りから朝晩の気温が25°を下るようになりました。これで彼岸花の咲く条件が揃い、2週間遅れの満開となったのでしょう。これからも毎年この高温現象が続くでしょうから新しい彼岸花を見つけねばなりません。そして今の彼岸花には新しい名前を付けねばなりません。いっそのこと、今まで使ってきた暦や歳時記も全く新しいのに変えたらどうでしょうね。

コロナをぞ 掃き清めてよ 箒草(ほうきぐさ)  Sweep away clearly The coronavirus, Houki-gusa

The recipients of this year’s Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, who made significant contributions to the development of the COVID-19 vaccine, are Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman. I believe their award is timely.
The Nobel Prize selection committee states that “their discoveries were essential for the development of effective mRNA vaccines against the novel coronavirus, which began in early 2020.”
Vaccine development, which typically takes several years to a decade, was achieved in less than a year using the methods they discovered, an unprecedented speed. Their contributions are immeasurable. Without the development of these mRNA vaccines, the current pandemic could have brought about a disaster on par with or even greater than the pandemic of 100 years ago.
For reference, the previous pandemic infected approximately a quarter of the world’s population at the time, estimated to be around 500 million people, with a death toll estimated between 17 and 50 million. In comparison, it is estimated that the total number of people infected with the new coronavirus has reached 676.57 million, or one-twelfth of the world’s population, and the number of deaths has reached 6.88 million.

因みに、前回のパンデミックは、世界中で当時の人口の4分の1程度に相当する5億人が感染した とされ,死者数は1,700万人から5,000万人と推計されています。それに比べて、今回の新型コロナウイルスの累計感染者は世界人口の12分の1に当たる6億7657万人、死者は688万人に達していると推計されています。

箸運び やっと軽くなる 秋刀魚かな Handling chopsticks, Finally feeling lighter— For, Sanma is cheap.

I had been curious about Sanma, the epitome of autumn flavors.
When this season’s Sanma fishing began in August, it was initially disappointing, with catches expected to be at the same low level as the record-low year of 22 years ago. In mid-August, the first Sanma catch in Hokkaido was small, weighing only around 125 grams, and despite being considered ceremonial, it fetched a record high price of 200,000 yen per kilogram or 25,000 yen per fish.
Looking back, the peak of Sanma fishing was around 575,000 tons in 1958, but it has been steadily declining since then, dropping below 18,000 tons in 22 years, a mere 1/32 of the peak amount.
With such a decline, it seemed like this year’s Sanma would command prices akin to eel. However, from early September onwards, catches gradually improved. The volume of Sanma entering the Tokyo Toyosu Market was nearly triple that of the previous year, the size of the fish had grown, and retail prices had dropped by 30% compared to the previous year, making it more affordable.
So, I had the opportunity to enjoy Sanma for the first time this year.


木を覆う 命漲る クズの花 Covering the tree, Overflowing with life, Kudzu blossoms.

In 1876, shortly after the Meiji Restoration, Japan, in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of American independence, sent numerous carpenters to the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition. On a vast site that rivaled those of advanced countries at the time, Japan constructed a dedicated pavilion showcasing Japanese architecture. There, they exhibited a wide range of Japanese products with the aim of promoting exports and earning foreign currency. Japan’s exhibits garnered significant interest and acclaim, rapidly elevating Japan’s reputation, even though it had been considered a backward nation. A reporter from the New York Herald went so far as to write, ‘Why should we call Japan a nation still in the process of civilization when it surpasses France in bronze products and silk, and leads the world in woodworking, furniture, and ceramics?’
Among the exhibits, there was kudzu, which became extremely popular at the exposition. The kudzu plant, with its beautiful flowers, was not only visually appealing but also a favorite food for cattle and horses. Being a leguminous plant, kudzu had symbiotic bacteria in its roots that improved soil quality, and its roots and vines also helped stabilize the edges of fields and roads. As a result, it quickly spread throughout the United States.
However, the vitality and reproductive ability of Kudzu became a disaster, and after that, “Kudzu” came to be referred to as “Vine that ate the South” and “Green monster”, and was also listed as one of the “World’s 100 Worst Invasive Alien Species”.

しかし、クズの生命力と繁殖力が災いし、その後、「kudzu」は「Vine that ate the South(南部を食べてしまったツル)」とか「green monster」と言われる様になり、「世界の侵略的外来種ワースト100」にも指定される様にもなりました。