フォリナーも 目をまあるくの 紅葉かな Most foreigners, Gazing with widened eyes— Japanese autumn leaves

The autumn leaves in Kyoto, which were delayed compared to usual this year, reached a level of cold on the 18th similar to mid-December, finally approaching the ‘best viewing’ period. Last month, the number of foreign visitors to Japan exceeded 2.51 million, surpassing the same month in 2019 before the COVID-19 pandemic. Kyoto during the autumn foliage season is crowded everywhere, and the average hotel accommodation price in Kyoto has risen to over 73,000 yen for a room for two people. Compared to before the pandemic, it has increased 1.9 times. In addition to the inherently ‘high cost’ of Kyoto, the ‘labor shortage’ also undoubtedly affects accommodation prices. While the accommodation fees for staying in Kyoto may be perceived as high for Japanese tourists, for foreigners, especially with the current strength of the yen, the prices do not seem excessively high.
One tourist from Australia commented, ‘We don’t have autumn leaves in Australia, so I never get to see the leaves turning red or orange. It’s really nice. I mainly stay in three-star hotels in Japan, so it’s very comfortable, clean, has everything I need, and is reasonably priced.’ They expressed satisfaction.


賓頭盧(びんずる)も 長谷の紅葉には 勝てまいに Even Binzuru, Cannot surpass the redness, Of the autumn leaves of Hase

To reach the main hall of Hasedera Temple, one must ascend a staircase known as the “Noborirou,” consisting of 399 steps, designated as an important cultural property. The Noborirou is divided into three sections: upper, middle, and lower, totaling 399 stone steps. Climbing the staircase, shedding worldly desires along the way, one reaches the top after surpassing the symbolic 400th step (associated with death), where they encounter the main deity, an eleven-faced Kannon statue enshrined in the main hall.
The main hall, constructed similarly to Kiyomizu-dera’s stage, features a hall of worship on the left and the main hall on the right, where the main deity is enshrined. At the edge of the hall of worship, there is an image of Binzuru, one of the sixteen arhats who served Buddha Shakyamuni. Binzuru, known for his exceptional discipleship and miraculous powers acquired through ascetic practices, is also famous for his love of alcohol. Legend has it that he was once caught drinking between meditation sessions by Buddha Shakyamuni, resulting in being tossed outside the temple. Due to such anecdotes, Binzuru is commonly enshrined outside temple halls across various temples.


地に映えて 通るに通れぬ 落ち葉道 Due to fallen leaves,  The ground shines beautifully,  An impassable path

On the walking path early in the morning, fallen leaves that were blown by last night’s rain and wind are piled up. The colorful fallen leaves are so vibrant that they don’t even look like fallen leaves.
It’s impossible to walk on this path now. When you see that there are no footprints, I’m sure everyone feels the same way.
When the rain and morning dew disappear, and these fallen leaves are blown away by the wind, they will return to the original walking path. When I imagine that, my heart feels warm with the joy of knowing that everyone who walks through this path shared the same experience.


新そばを 求めて殺到 笠荒神 In search of new soba, a rush of people— Kasakoujin shrine.

In the mountainous region bordering Sakurai City and Tenri City in Nara Prefecture, there is a soba restaurant called ‘Kasa Soba.’ In close proximity lies the Kasayama Aragami Shrine, one of Japan’s three major Aragami shrines, dedicated to the deity of the kiln, known as ‘Kasa no Aragami-san.’ Nestled in the depths of Hasedera, this area is considered the birthplace of Shinto, with a history dating back 3,000 years.
This area is located at an altitude of 400 to 500 meters, with large temperature differences between morning and evening, and is blessed with the perfect climate and climate for making soba, so soba production began as part of the village’s revitalization efforts.
The soba noodles made from 100% Kasa buckwheat flour grown locally have become very popular, and before you know it, it has become a well-known tourist spot in Nara. Particularly during this season, visitors flock from all over Kansai in search of new soba, leading to long queues and establishing it as a well-known destination.


店先の リースが目に付く 年の暮れ  In front of the shop, A wreath catches the eye,  Year’s end approaches.

When it comes to Christmas, Christmas trees and Santa Claus are classic, but lately, what stands out conspicuously is the Christmas wreath. Walking through the city, whether it’s at the entrances of homes, cafes, restaurants, or shopping centers, Christmas wreaths are adorned in various places. Originally, a wreath referred to a decorative circular arrangement made of flowers or leaves, worn as a crown by ancient Romans during festivals and celebrations. This wreath underwent Christianization during the spread of Christianity in medieval Europe, evolving into the Christmas wreath we know today. Christmas wreaths typically take the form of a circle, symbolizing ‘eternal love,’ ‘bountiful harvest,’ and ‘protection against evil.’ The materials used to embody this symbolism include evergreen leaves and branches such as pine, holly, eucalyptus, representing the enduring nature of evergreens even in winter, symbolizing new life and hope. Additionally, wreaths are adorned with ribbons, bells, sparkling ornaments, and Christmas balls.


菊の香を 添えて寿ぐ 七五三 With the fragrance of chrysanthemums, Celebrating the seven-five-three festival. 

Today is Shichi-Go-San. It’s a traditional Japanese celebration for children who are 7, 5, and 3 years old, marking their growth. Families visit shrines and temples for the ‘Shichi-Go-San-mairi,’ offering prayers, gratitude, and reports. It is said to have originated with prayers for the health of the eldest son of the fifth shogun of the Edo shogunate, Tsunayoshi. At nearby shrines, many children dressed in formal attire, along with their parents, were making visits. It is a truly delightful and heartwarming scene.
However, these fortunate children stand in contrast to the reality that in Japan, approximately 1 in 9 children are said to be living in poverty. There is an international indicator called the ‘poverty line’ that represents poverty, and in Japan, the poverty line in 2018 was an income of 1.27 million yen. This means that approximately 1 in 9 children are in environments characterized by such conditions. At one point, there was a period when this ratio was 1 in 6, but due in part to increased societal awareness, we have fortunately moved away from the worst conditions.
While Japan is experiencing a declining birthrate, with the number of births in 2022 being 770,000, a quarter of the peak at 2.5 million births, the disparity in child poverty is widening. The economic losses resulting from child poverty are estimated to be around 43 trillion yen. When combined with the issue of declining birthrates, this poses a truly serious problem for Japan’s future.


戦争を クリスマスまでに やめてくれ End the war before Christmas!

When summer ends, skipping straight from autumn to winter, and suddenly it’s Christmas. How hectic it is. Christmas trees are already adorned in friends’ homes, department stores, and large supermarkets. Every convenience store has advertisements for Christmas cake reservations, right next to promotions for New Year’s osechi dishes. Well, in any case, they’re all enjoyable, so let’s be content. On the other hand, television shows the tragic situation in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian Autonomous Region. On the hospital floor, blue vinyl sheets are strewn with abandoned newborns. Is it okay to show such images to children? It’s worrisome. The conflict between Israel and Palestine is nothing short of a tragedy, with deep-rooted historical causes and reasonable justifications on both sides. However, the war in Ukraine, sparked by the whimsical historical perspective of a dictator named Putin, is claiming many victims every day, including numerous children. It’s a complex feeling of being unable to endure or stand idly by.


湯豆腐に 紅葉も霞む 嵯峨野かな By yudofu, Even the autumn leaves are blurred— At Sagano. 

Among them, there was a scene of a group surrounding a yudofu (a warm hot tofu soup). It seems we’ve entered that season already. When it comes to winter gourmet in Kansai, ‘Yudofu’ or hot tofu soup is a classic choice.
Speaking of traditional Yudofu establishments in Kansai, names like ‘Okutan’ and ‘Junsei’ in the Nanzenji and Kiyomizu Temple area, and ‘Seizan Soudou’ and ‘Takemura’ in the Arashiyama and Sagano area, known for Morika’s tofu, come to mind. Particularly, ‘Seizan Soudou’ holds a special memory for me. I used to go there every year with high school graduates, having just finished their university entrance exams, to enjoy Yudofu. ‘Seizan Soudou’ is located within the precincts of Myochin-in, one of the sub-temples of Tenryu-ji, and is the oldest Yudofu establishment in Sagano, established around 1950. The name ‘Seizan Soudou’ means ‘A hall standing in a deep grassy place on the western mountain,’ reflecting its location.
It’s been about 40 years since I went to ‘Seizan Soudou’ with the students who had just finished their exams, and I’m surprised to find that the prices haven’t changed much since then.

冬のグルメの定番といえば「湯豆腐」です。関西では、湯豆腐の老舗といえば、南禅寺・清水寺エリアの「奥丹」や「順正」、森嘉の豆腐で有名な嵐山・嵯峨野エリア の「西山艸堂」や「竹むら」などが真っ先に思い浮かびます。とくに「西山艸堂」には特別な思い出があります。大学入試を終えた受験生を引き連れて、毎年この「西山艸堂」に湯豆腐を食べに行っていたことがあります。「西山艸堂」は天龍寺敷地内の塔頭のひとつ「妙智院」の中にあり、1950年頃創業という嵯峨野では一番古い湯豆腐の老舗です。「西山艸堂」は妙智院の別号で”西の山の草深い所に立つお堂”という意味だそうです。

美山には 雪は散らつき 子はぐずる In Miyama, Snow begins scatter little by little, A baby is fussy.

Yesterday, the first wintry wind, known as “Kogarashi 1,” blew through the Kinki region. Winter has finally arrived. About an hour and a half by car from Kyoto city, There is a village called Miyama where you can view the “original landscape of Japan” that rivals Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture. Within the town, numerous thatched-roof houses still stand. Despite the snowy terrain, the first snowfall has yet to occur.
At the entrance of the settlement stands a retro red mailbox, leaving a lasting impression. In the northern district of Chii in Miyama, among the 50 households, 39 have traditional thatched roofs. Remarkably, the number of buildings in this village has remained largely unchanged since the Edo period, a surprising fact.
In December 2021, during the 24th UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization) General Assembly held in Madrid, 44 regions from around the world were designated as the Best Tourism Villages. Among them, two villages were chosen from Japan: Niseko Town in Hokkaido and Miyama Town in Nantan City, Kyoto Prefecture. It makes sense now. Miyama is a tranquil village surrounded by beautiful mountains, as the name suggests. It also served as a relay point along the “Saba Kaido” connecting Wakasa and Kyoto. Let me introduce the “Miyama no Komoriuta,” a lullaby sung in this area.


木枯らしの 言葉も寂し 現し身や The kogarashi, The sound of word  is lonely, too The same goes for me

In the Kinki region, it has been announced that the first wintry wind, known as ‘Kogarashi 1,’ has blown. This announcement is two days earlier than last year. In the Kinki region, ‘Kogarashi 1’ is declared on the first day that generally meets the conditions of a winter-type atmospheric pressure pattern with higher pressure to the west and lower pressure to the east, and besides between ‘霜降'(Soukou: around October 23) and ‘冬至'(Toji: around December 21). These conditions involve a north wind with a maximum speed of 8 meters per second or more. In contrast, the definition period for ‘Kogarashi 1’ in the Tokyo region differs from the Kinki region, spanning from mid-October to the end of November. Today, the maximum wind speed observed in central Tokyo was 7.4 m/s at 5:57 AM, falling short of the benchmark wind speed of 8 m/s used to declare ‘Kogarashi 1.’ The announcement of Tokyo’s Kogarashi 1 will be postponed. This year, lingering summer heat persisted, giving a sudden transition from summer to winter. As a side note, during elementary school, there was a child named 凩(Kogarashi). The character 凩 is a national character and is often used in haiku.
