The annual ritual heralding spring in Nara, the ‘Omizutori’ of Todai-ji Temple, has commenced from the first day of March. Omizutori is a ritual within the Buddhist ceremony called Shunie, held at Todai-ji’s Nigatsu-do Hall. Originally, on the midnight of March 12th, the ceremony involved drawing ‘Kohshui’ (fragrant water) from the well called Wakasa-i in front of Nigatsu-do, to offer it to the Bodhisattva Kannon. During the procession from Wakasa-i to the Bodhisattva Kannon, torches were lit to illuminate the path. Currently, Omizutori takes place from March 1st to 14th, with 11 torches lit on the 12th and 10 on other days.
The purpose of this ritual is for the monks (ascetics) who have purified their minds and bodies to chant the sacred scriptures in front of the Eleven-faced Kannon, repent through ascetic practices, and pray for peace in the world. Legend has it that Wakasa-i is connected to the underground water of Wakasa in Fukui Prefecture. On March 2nd, the ‘Omizutori’ is conducted at Wakasa-unose in Wakasa, and it is said that the ‘Kohshui’ takes ten days to reach Wakasa-i at Todai-ji’s Nigatsu-do in Nara.