Several Katabami (wood sorrel) stand erect along the horizontally trimmed hedge along the road. Katabami are planted in the gaps of a hedge a little further away, blooming with numerous yellow flowers. Introduced to Japan in the late Edo period, initially embraced as ornamental plants, coreopsises eventually naturalized and can now be found along roadsides and fields throughout Japan. Despite their charming appearance, due to their strong reproductive ability, they are sometimes treated as troublesome weeds in certain locations.
In France and Spain, there is an Easter celebration around early April, coinciding with the blooming of Katabami flowers. As a result, they are also known as ‘Hallelujah.’ Additionally, as they bloom on joyous occasions associated with Christ, they are given the symbolic meaning of ‘joy.’ On the other hand, in Japan, coreopsis has long been used for polishing Buddhist implements and brass mirrors, earning it the alternative name of ‘Mirror Grass.’ This led to the flower language of ‘shining heart.’
The leaves and stems of Katabami contain oxalic acid, citric acid, and tartaric acid. Known as ‘saku-sho-so’ in China, it has become a herbal medicine name in Japan, used for detoxification, inflammation reduction, and as an antidiarrheal. Katabami blossoms when the sun is shining, closes its flowers when the sun sets, and also on cloudy days.