The confusion over flower names is truly perplexing. The flower in the photo is an Acacia, specifically the Mimosa Acacia. There’s another Acacia known as the Silver Acacia. While Mimosa Acacia leaves are green, those of the Silver Acacia, true to its name, have a slight silvery hue. Interestingly, the Acacia in the popular song ‘When the Acacia Rain Stops’ from the 1960s, during the ANPO protests, is actually a False Acacia, originating from North America, with entirely different flower shapes. Another common mistake is confusing Acacia with Mimosa. Acacia originates from Australia and was used by the Aboriginal people there for declarations of love. When Acacia was introduced to France, it was initially called ‘Acacia resembling Mimosa,’ eventually leading it to be referred to as Mimosa. Mimosa, also known as Bowing Acacia, as its name suggests, bows its leaves when touched, unlike Acacia. Additionally, while Acacia blossoms yellow, Mimosa blooms pink flowers. March 8th is International Women’s Day, symbolized by the Mimosa, hence also known as ‘Mimosa Day.’ On this day, it’s customary for men to present fresh Mimosa to women they appreciate. Although this tradition has recently taken hold in Japan, the ‘Mimosa’ often gifted is usually Acacia, perhaps due to the lingering influence of Aboriginal customs.