An old cherry tree that has turned sideways due to its weight is overgrown with cherry blossoms, and many cherry blossoms are blooming there without extending their branches. We call such cherry blossoms ‘Dozaki-sakura’. Somei Yoshino puts out leaves after the flowers fall and synthesizes nutrients through photosynthesis. With delayed flowering, it’s uncertain when nutrients will reach the lower trunk. An anxious trunk blooms flowers, puts out leaves, and creates its own nutrients to prevent collapse from the base. This is the mechanism of Dozaki-sakura. Though it appears as a beautifully crafted bonsai-like trunk-blooming sakura, knowing its mechanism is deeply moving. Old cherry trees, mentioned to be hundreds of years old, indeed deserve the attention. Similarly, man living up to 100 years is quite an accomplishment, and it holds value in itself. Research reveals there are over 90,000 centenarians, with 90% being women, which is also astonishing.