In a field where daffodils were blooming until recently, as I pass by today, I see clusters of blue-purple Musukari (grape hyacinths) blooming here and there. Each flower resembles a bunch of grapes, with its bell-shaped blossoms facing downward. They are truly peculiar flowers. And for good reason, as the origin of Musukari dates back approximately 60,000 years. In 1960, blue-purple Musukari were found offered at a site where Neanderthals were buried around 60,000 years ago in the Shanidar Cave in northern Iraq. Since then, Musukari have been known as the world’s oldest burial flowers. Also, Yaguruma-giku (the cornflower), which was found in the coffin of Tutankhamun in ancient Egypt 3,500 years ago, is also blue-purple. In Europe, traditionally, blue-purple flowers have been regarded as noble flowers and have appeared in artworks such as paintings and ceramics, as well as novels. It is said that Musukari first arrived in Japan around the beginning of the Meiji era. Since then, Musukari have been cultivated in Japanese gardens, parks, and the precincts of shrines and temples, gradually becoming popular as ornamental plants. Musukari begin to bloom around the time when everyone is captivated by cherry blossoms. They are small flowers that bloom close to the ground, but they are noble flowers with a history and tradition.