The giant Ishibutai Kofun located in Asuka Village, Nara Prefecture. Currently, it is surrounded by blooming cherry blossoms and rapeseed flowers. Throughout the seasons, many visitors come here, and the surrounding area is a grassy square. In spring, the beauty of peach and cherry blossoms, and in autumn, the blooming cluster amaryllis, along with the enjoyment of dreaming about ancient times, swell the heart. The length of the stone chamber is 19.1 meters, the main chamber is about 4.7 meters high, 3.5 meters wide, and about 7.6 meters deep. The total weight of the stones is estimated to be 2,300 tons. The largest stone in the tomb, the ceiling stone, weighs approximately 77 tons on the south side and about 64 tons on the north side, making it a gigantic ancient tomb. It is estimated to have been built around the beginning of the 7th century, but the identity of whose tomb this huge tumulus is remains unknown. A prevailing theory suggests it might be the tomb of Soga no Umako, who was powerful in the latter half of the 6th century. However, there is no solid evidence for this. Recent studies even propose the theory that Soga no Umako and Prince Shotoku might be the same person. The late 6th and early 7th centuries were a turning point in Japanese history. Fujiwara no Kamatari, son of Kamatari, who was granted the Fujiwara surname during the Taika Reforms, played a significant role. He was involved in the compilation of the Taihō Code, the Nihon Shoki, and the Kojiki, laying the foundation for the central power of the Fujiwara clan in Japan’s history. The history of Japan before the 7th century can be said to have been largely fabricated by Fujiwara no Fuhito. Whether this was fortunate or unfortunate, it allows for great imagination surrounding the Ishibutai Kofun.