I received a photo of Tachitsubo violets from Akita. Unlike common violets, which have leaves directly from the roots, Tachitsubo violets grow stems that rise above the ground, and when the stems elongate, leaves sprout there, which is their characteristic feature. Additionally, their flowers are a light purple color. Tachitsubo violets are widely distributed from Hokkaido to the Ryukyu Islands, and outside Japan, from southern Korea to southern China. They can be found in various places such as fields, mountain forests, roadside in urban areas, parks, suburban groves, and even along irrigation channels. Although common violets are more dominant in urban areas, Tachitsubo violets are considered the largest among Japanese violets in terms of population. Even in Tokyo’s well-known Mount Takao, where many types of violets are found, Tachitsubo violets are overwhelmingly abundant. Near my home, I often see Akane violets, which have a reddish-dark purple color. It’s quite endearing to see them bravely blooming in small gaps between concrete along roadsides or in tiny crevices in sidewalks made of bricks.
秋田からタチツボスミレの写真がとどきました。タチツボスミレは、葉が根から直接でる普通のスミレと違って、成長すると茎は地表に伸びて立ち上がり、茎が伸びると葉もそこにつくようになるのが特徴です。また花の色も薄紫色をしています。タチツボスミレは、 北海道から琉球列島、国外では朝鮮南部、中国南部まで広く分布し、野原から山林内、市街地の道端、公園、郊外の雑木林、畦道まで広い範囲で見られるます。都会ではタチツボスミレよりスミレの方が優勢とされますが、個体数では本種が日本産スミレ中最大との評もあります。スミレの種類が多いので知られる東京の高尾山でも圧倒的にタチツボスミレが多いそうです。我が家の近くでよく目にするのはアカネスミレで、赤みがかった濃い紫色をしています。道路脇のコンクリートの隙間とか、歩道のレンガのちょっとした隙間に、健気に咲いているのが何ともいじらしいです。