“Lettuce was 461 yen, cabbage was 298 yen, and Chinese cabbage was 1580 yen, which was taken at a supermarket on the weekend, but it’s a shocking price,” says caster Yuko Wakabayashi. It’s the same price everywhere in Okinawa, Fukuoka and Osaka. Vegetables are soaring nationwide. (August 24th Livedoor ’News article)
It is said that the cause is the long rain and lack of sunshine that the end of the rainy season is put off to August, and the intense heat and light rain as soon as the rainy season begins. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries website states that it will return to normal levels later this month, but it is still expensive.
「レタス461円、キャベツ298円、ハクサイ1580円と、週末のスーパーで撮影されたものですが、衝撃的な価格ですね」とキャスターの若林有子アナが伝える。沖縄、福岡、大阪、どこでも同様な値段だ。野菜が全国的に高騰している。(8月24日 Livedoor’ News)