白梅に マスクマスクの 金熊寺

Kinyuji Temple, which is known as a famous place for plum blossoms, is located in the mountains of Sennan City, Osaka.  In the early Edo period, the neighboring Shinto shrine priest Yano heard the oracle, “If you plant plum trees in this area, the territory will become more prosperous.”, and he and the people in the villages carried out planting plums according to the oracle. That’s the origin of the plum garden.  Shindachi has long been known as a post station on the Kumano Kaido (Kumano Kodo), and it was also the post station for Emperor Go-Toba who had visited Kumano 34 times, and was used by many Heian aristocracy such as Teika Fujiwara. During the Edo period, the Kishu feudal lord set up the honjin(an officially appointed hotel with accommodations for a daimyo and his train) when he did sankinkotai(a system of alternate attendance under which feudal lords were forced to go up to Edo and reside there to serve the shogun in alternate years). It is now known as the basic city of Kansai International Airport.



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