The cherry blossoms around are already in full bloom. The full fledged flowers also bloomed from the buds of the little branch that grew from the trunk. It seems that the cherry blossoms are in full bloom nationwide, and we are gaining momentum for the new year starting tomorrow. I sympathize with the students and students who are unable to attend the graduation and entrance ceremonies, but I hope that all of them will believe “inscrutable are the ways of heaven” and aim for a new leap forward. High school baseball is about to end, and professional baseball has begun. Corona is also worried about the signs of the fourth wave, but society as a whole is starting to move. This momentum does not stop. It seems that general intake of the vaccine has started, so it seems that we can get out of the fear of corona infection with a little more patience. Under the bright sun, this summer we want to go out to the sea and mountains to the fullest.